How To Create Storage Account Using Azure Portal


In this article, we will learn how to create storage account using azure portal. We will see what storage account and its benefits.

What is storage account?

An Azure storage account contains all your Azure Storage data objects, including blobs, file shares, queues, tables, and disks. The storage account provides a unique namespace for your Azure Storage data that's accessible from anywhere in the world over HTTP or HTTPS. Data in your storage account is durable and highly available, secure, and massively scalable.

Benefits of storage account

  • Durable and highly available
  • Secure
  • Scalable
  • Managed
  • Accessible

Types of azure storage service

Azure Blobs

A massively scalable object store for text and binary data. Also includes support for big data analytics through Data Lake Storage Gen2.

Azure Files

Managed file shares for cloud or on-premises deployments.

Azure Queues

A messaging store for reliable messaging between application components.

Azure Tables

A NoSQL store for schemeless storage of structured data.

Azure Disks

Block-level storage volumes for Azure VMs.

Step 1

If you don't have an Azure subscription, create an Azure free account before you begin.

Step 2

Sign in to the Azure portal with your Azure account.

Step 3

From the Azure portal menu, or from the Home page, select Create a resource.

Step 4

On Azure portal in the Search box, enter Storage Accounts. From the results list, choose Storage Accounts.

Step 5

On the Storage Account section, choose Create Storage Account

Step 6

On the Create Storage Accounts. section provide the following information:

  1. Subscription: Select the desired Azure Subscription.
  2. Resource Group, For Resource group, select Create new, enter DotNetAppGroup. You could choose existing resource group if you created.
  3. Storage Account Name: A unique name is required. For Account name, enter firststorageaccountdemo.
  4. Region: Select region
  5. Performance: Standard recommended

6. After providing the information above, select Review + Create. Next validation page appears with Create button. You are done. You have created your first Storage Account.

Now your Storage Account is ready and deployed to azure cloud. Click on Go to resource.


Microsoft Azure Storage is a powerful service and can be used for a variety of purposes. If you are looking to opt for a cloud-based storage platform for your IT needs in the future, Microsoft Azure Storage can be a great option due to its myriads of benefits.

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