In the realm of cloud scalability, Microsoft Azure's Virtual Machine Scale Sets (VMSS) are a game-changer. This article provides a step-by-step walkthrough for setting up a VMSS using the Microsoft Azure Portal. Let's get started!
Setting up a VMSS using the Microsoft Azure
Step 1
Log into the Azure Portal via
Step 2
Click on + Create a resource icon on the home page.
Step 3
Search for the virtual machine scale set in the search bar and select the Virtual machine scale set. Then click on Create and select Virtual machine scale set to access the Create a virtual machine scale set page.
Step 4
Under Project details, select the relevant subscription and the resource group.
Step 5
Under Scale set details, give a name for the VMSS, and select the desired region and the availability zone.
Step 6
Then select the Orchestration mode, Security type, Image, VM architecture, and size according to your requirement.
Step 7
Under the Administration account, provide a username and a password for the administrator account.
Step 8
Then click on the Review + create button to proceed further.
Step 9
After the validation has been passed, click on the Create button to create the VMSS.
Now you can see that the VMSS has been successfully deployed.
In this article, we learned how to create a VMSS, please use the comments section if you have any clarification.