How To Create A Table Record In A Dataverse Environment From Postman

Postman is an API platform for developers to design, build, test, and iterate their APIs.

In this article, will explain about creating a record in Accounts Table in the Dataverse environment from Postman.

Will create an Account record with the below values.

Field Display Name Field Schema Name Data Type Field Value
Account Name name Single Line of Text Arun Potti – Microsoft
Contact Method preferredcontactmethodcode Choice 1 (Email)
Phone donotphone Boolean true
Primary Contact primarycontactid Lookup (Contact) 13736f40-3955-ed11-bba2-000d3a36d83f
(Provide existing contact GUID)
Last On Hold Time lastonholdtime Date 2022-10-26
Annual Revenue revenue Currency 15000000
Latitude address1_latitude Float 17.38714
Description description Multiple Lines of Text Record created from Postman


Follow all the steps mentioned in the article mentioned above and then follow the below steps.

Step 1

Click on the Collection … and Click on Add request to create a new Web API Request.

Create A Table Record in A Dataverse Environment From Postman

Step 2

Click on Rename to change the Web API Request name.

Create A Table Record in A Dataverse Environment From Postman

Renamed to Create Account record.

Create A Table Record in A Dataverse Environment From Postman

Step 3

Select POST Http Verb and provide the below text to create the Account record.


Create A Table Record in A Dataverse Environment From Postman

Step 4

Provide the below values under Headers section.

If-None-Match null
OData-Version 4.0
OData-MaxVersion 4.0
Content-Type application/json
Accept application/json

Headers will look like below.

Create A Table Record in A Dataverse Environment From Postman

Step 5

Click on Body, select raw and make sure that JSON is selected.

Create A Table Record in A Dataverse Environment From Postman

Step 6 

Copy and paste the below JSON text to create Account record.


    "name": "Arun Potti – Microsoft",

    "preferredcontactmethodcode": 2,

    "donotphone": true,

    "[email protected]": "/contacts(13736f40-3955-ed11-bba2-000d3a36d83f)",

    "lastonholdtime": "2022-10-26",

    "revenue": 5000000,

    "address1_latitude": 17.38714,

    "description": "Record created from Postman"


You can find the JSON in the article attachment.

Create A Table Record in A Dataverse Environment From Postman

Step 7 

Click on Save and Send.

Create A Table Record in A Dataverse Environment From Postman

You can see a message 204 No Content, which means the request was executed successfully, and can see the Account GUID in the Headers section in the OData-EntityId key value pair in the Web API URL format.

Create A Table Record in A Dataverse Environment From Postman

Note: If you see 401 Unauthorized access issue on Send, then follow the below article and fix the problem and try again.

How to resolve 401 Unauthorized access issue in Postman while connecting to Dataverse?

You can check the record created information in the Power Platform Solutions or from any other Apps.

Create A Table Record in A Dataverse Environment From Postman

Hope you have followed all the steps and created the Account record from Postman.

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