How To Save Site As A Site Templates In SharePoint Online


A site that save as a template is called Site template. There are various types of templates in SharePoint online.

Types Of Templates in SharePoint Online
  1. Collaboration

    1. Team site
    2. Blog
    3. Development Site
    4. Project Site
    5. Community site

  2. Enterprise

    1. Document Center
    2. eDiscovery Center
    3. Record Center
    4. Business Intelligence Center
    5. Review Center
    6. Compliance Policy Center
    7. My Site Host
    8. Community Portal
    9. Basic Search Center
    10. Visio Process Repository

  3. Publishing

    1. Publishing Portal
    2. Enterprise Wiki

  4. Custom
How to Create a Team Site in SharePoint Online

Go to -> Central Admin -> Application Management -> Create Site collections under site collection section ( In SharePoint 2013)


Login to SharePoint Online -> Admin Center -> Create a Private Site Collection (In SharePoint Online )


Once you click OK button, it will take some to create site collection in SharePoint Online. After Successful creation of site, please open the site collection .


Next, the Site needs to save as a Template so go the next step.

Site Settings ->Site Save as Template



Next, it will ask for file name, template name and description .


Next, you will get a confirmatiion message for creation of template .

Next, you will click on OK button and go to solution gallery to download template .


Next , if you want to use the same template in your new site or subsite then to Create a Site\Subsite from a Template Navigate to “Site Contents” -> new subsite .
  1. In SharePoint Designer, under Sites tab select “Site Options” Find SaveSiteAsTemplateEnabled in Site Properties set to "true".

    Now in your Publishing site navigate to http://sitename/_layouts/15/savetmpl.aspx and you would see the old Save Site as Template Page.

  2. If you are using the Publishing site template then this option will not be available. Also if you have a team site with Publishing feature activated on it then this option will disappear.
Another thing, Save as Template option is not supported for publishing sites even if you are able to save it.

You can hack the url and directly go to this URL .