How To Create A New Elastic Database Pool With The Azure Portal


  • Azure account.

Now, let's get started with the steps, given below-

Step 1 - Create a new pool

Sign in to the online Microsoft Azure portal.

Click Browse > SQL elastic pools, click the Server that contains the databases we want to add to a pool.


Click New pool.

New pool

The Elastic database pool blade appears, which is where we'll set up our pool. Specify a name for the elastic pool.

Elastic database pool

Step 2 - Choose a pricing tier

To change the pricing tier for the pool, click Pricing tier, click the pricing tier we want and then click Select.


Step 3 - Configure the pool

Click Configure pool and Click Add to pool.

Configure the pool

Select the databases, we want to add to the pool. This step is optional, while creating the pool. Databases can be added after the pool has been created. To add the databases, click Add database, click the databases that you want to add and then click the Select button.


Now, once agai click the Select button.


Finally, click Create to create the pool to create New Elastic Database Pool.


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