How To Use Azure Data Studio To Connect And Query SQL Server


Azure Data Studio is a cross-platform database tool for data professionals who use Microsoft on-site and cloud data platforms on Windows, macOS, and Linux.
Azure Data Studio provides advanced IntelliSense editor experience, built-in and custom code snippets, source control functionality, and an interactive console. It's planned with the data platform user in mind, with built-in query result set charts and customizable dashboards.
In this tutorial, I have described how to use Azure Data Studio to connect and query SQL Server and also discuss how to create a custom code snippet. This article covers the following topics:
  1. Connect to a SQL Server
  2. Overview of code snippets
    • a. Create a database
    • b. Create a Table
    • c. Insert Rows
    • d. Result by using a query
  3. Creating custom code snippets

Connect to SQL Server

To download and install Azure Data Studio and want to connect it using SQL Server Instance, read my detailed article on the topic, "How To Download and Install Azure Data Studio".

Overview of Code Snippets

Azure Data Studio comes with various features. And a key feature of Azure Data Studio is its code snippets which have various built-in and custom code snippets.
It means, you don't have to write the same code again and again, which is very helpful to save time for writing queries. So, let's start without wasting time. I hope you have connected Azure Data Studio using the SQL Server Instance.
First, open the "New Query" window by pressing the "Ctrl + N" key and type the "SQL" here. This will show you the available list of code snippets.
Code Snippets
A) Create a database
Follow the below instructions to create a new database.
Step 1
Type SQL, and choose the "sqlCreateDatabase" snippet and press the "Enter" key. (Then, you will see the "Create Database" query written in Query Editor).
create database snippet
Step 2
Now, type the name to the new database and execute the query by clicking on the "Run".
  1. -- Create a new database called 'VATSA_Premium'  
  2. -- Connect to the 'master' database to run this snippet  
  3. USE master  
  4. GO  
  5. -- Create the new database if it does not exist already  
  6. IF NOT EXISTS (  
  7.     SELECT [name]  
  8.         FROM sys.databases  
  9.         WHERE [name] = N'VATSA_Premium'  
  10. )  
  12. GO 
After the successful execution of your query, the "VATSA_Premium" will appear in the list of databases.
B) Create a Table
Follow the below instructions to create a table.
Step 1
First, you have to change the connection context. In simple words, set your database to work by changing it manually.
change your database
You can also set your database by typing your <database name> after the "USE" keyword, and click on the "Run" button to execute it.
Step 2
Type SQL, and choose the "sqlCreateTable" snippet and press the "Enter" key. (Then, you will see the "Create Table" query written in Query Editor).
create a table
Step 3
Now, paste the following snippet into your query window and then, execute the query by clicking on "Run".
  1. -- Create a new table called '[Employee]' in schema '[dbo]'    
  2. -- Drop the table if it already exists    
  3. IF OBJECT_ID('[dbo].[Employee]''U'IS NOT NULL    
  4. DROP TABLE [dbo].[Employee]    
  5. GO    
  6. -- Create the table in the specified schema    
  7. CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Employee]    
  8. (    
  9.     [Id] INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY-- Primary Key column    
  10.     [First_Name] VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,    
  11.     [last_Name] VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,    
  12.     [Address] VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,    
  13.     [Contact_No] VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL   
  14.     -- Specify more columns here    
  15. );    
  16. GO   
After the successful execution of your query, the <table> will appear inside your database.
C) Insert Rows
Follow the below instructions to insert rows.
Step 1
Type SQL, and choose the "sqlInsertRows" snippet and press the "Enter" key. (Then, you will see the "Insert" query written in Query Editor).
insert code snippets
Step 2
Now, type the following snippet in your query window and execute the query by clicking on the "Run" button.
  1. -- Insert rows into table 'Employee' in schema '[dbo]'  
  2. INSERT INTO [dbo].[Employee]   
  3. (ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Address, Contact_No)  
  4. VALUES  
  5. -- First row: values for the columns in the list above  
  6. 1, 'Onkar','Sharma','Bulandshahr',9876543210),  
  7. -- Second row: values for the columns in the list above  
  8. 2, 'Onkar','Admin','New Delhi',9876543211)  
  9. -- Add more rows here  
  10. GO 
This will insert the data into your table.
D) View the result by query
Follow the below instructions to view your data.
Step 1
Type SQL, and choose the "sqlSelect" snippet and press the "Enter" key. (Then, you will see the "Select" query written in Query Editor).
select code snippet
Step 2
Type the following code snippet into your query window and click on the "Run" button.
  1. -- Select rows from a Table or View '[Employee]' in schema '[dbo]'  
  2. SELECT * FROM [dbo].[Employee]  
  3. WHERE First_Name = 'Onkar'  
  4. GO 

Create Custom Code Snippets

Azure Data Studio allows you to create your own T-SQL Code Snippets very easily. If you execute the same command/query frequently, then you can create your own code snippets in Azure Data Studio. To do this, read the following instructions carefully.
Step 1
In Aure Data Studio, navigate to the following, View > Command Palette. You can also use the shortcut key "Ctrl + Shift + P" to open the "Command Palette".
Step 2
Search for: "Preference: Configure User Snippets" and click on it.
Search for: "Preference: Configure User Snippets"
Step 3
Now, a list will appear in front of you then select the "sql.json (SQL)" option from this list.
select the "sql.json (SQL)" option
Step 4
Now, the "sql.json" file will open and you can configure it according to your needs. Then, save the file.
For Example,
I've shown you a custom code snippet for "Select Top 50 records" from any table. To do this, write the following code in your code snippets.
  1. {   "Select top 50": {    
  2.     "prefix""SQLSelectTop50",    
  3.     "body""SELECT TOP 50 * FROM ${1:TableName} ORDER BY ${2:ColumnName}",    
  4.     "description""User defined Snippet: Select Top 50 Records from a Table"    
  5. },     
You can write more than one custom code snippets in the "sql.json" file and also define any number of parameters for each code snippet.
Let's check our custom code snippet, type "SQL" and you will see your custom code snippet in the list.
select top 50
Now, type your table name and execute the custom code snippet.
Let's check our custom code snippet


In this article, we have discussed various steps on how to use Azure Data Studio to connect and query SQL Server and how to create custom code snippets
I hope you enjoyed this article. Follow C# Corner to learn more new and amazing things about Microsoft Azure.
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