How To Configure A Incremental Snapshot For Managed Disks


In this article, you will learn that an incremental snapshot for managed disks in Azure is a type of backup that allows you to take snapshots of your managed disks at different points in time. Instead of the complete snapshot, which copies the entire disk, an incremental snapshot only copies the changes made since the last snapshot.

Step 1 

Sign in to the Azure portal 

Step 2

Browse to your existing managed disk

How to configure a Incremental Snapshot for managed disks

Step 3

Click create the snapshot

How to configure a Incremental Snapshot for managed disks

Step 4

Provide any name for the snapshot and select the snapshot type Incremental

How to configure a Incremental Snapshot for managed disks

Step 5

Click Review + create

How to configure a Incremental Snapshot for managed disks

Step 6

Once complete the deployment Go to the resource 

How to configure a Incremental Snapshot for managed disks

Step 7

Now you can Navigate to the managed disk and verify the snapshot type 

How to configure a Incremental Snapshot for managed disks


This article taught us how to configure azure incremental managed disk snapshot. If you have any questions, please get in touch with me.
