The purpose of this article is to describe the process of cloning an existing VM and creating a new VM.
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Implementation steps
Go to the VM that you need to clone and click on Disks, as shown below.
Click on the OsDisk and Click on "+ Create snapshot".
Provide the information as shown in the below screenshot.
Choose the below option and Click on Next.
Select "Enable public access from all networks" and click on "Review and Create".
Click on "Create" to create the OS disk snapshot.
Follow the same process to create the snapshots of all the Data disks associated with the VM.
Creating Disk from Snapshots
Click on the Snapshot that was created and click on "+ Create disk"
Provide the information as shown below and click on "Next"
Choose the appropriate key for Disk encryption and click on Networking.
Select "Enable public access from all networks" and click on "Advanced".
Select the below option and leave the rest as default. Click "Review and Create".
Click on "Create" to create the Os disk.
Follow the same steps to create the Data disks from the Snapshots taken earlier.
Creating VM from OS Disk
Click on the OS Disk that we created in the previous step and click on "+ Create VM".
Provide the details of the new VM that you want to create.
Attach the Data disks that were created earlier from the snapshot to the clone VM.
Click on the "Networking" tab and provide the below information.
Click on the Management tab and leave it default.
Click on the "Monitoring" tab and select "Disable" if you do not want to take the serial console. If yes, select the first option as shown below.
Click on advanced, leave it default, and click on "Review and Create".
Click on "Create" to create the VM.
Following the above steps, you can clone an existing VM and create a new VM,
Hope you learned something new today. I will meet you through another article.