How to Call JavaScript Function in Angular 18 Component?

In this walk, you will learn about running and calling javascript functions from the Angular component.

How it’s implemented and what is the description?

  • Create Angular project - AnguWalk.
  • Run the application and check that the project was created successfully.
  • Create JS file with function.
  • Adding JS file link/reference to angular.json
  • Component (TS file) coding.
  • Execute the Project
  • Output

Create an Angular Project called “AnguWalk” using the following CLI command.


ng new AnguWalk


Create Angular Project

Go inside the project folder and open the Visual Studio code.


cd anguwalk
code .


Project folder

Note. Visual Studio code will get started only if your system is configured with path and settings.

Create Javascript file

  • First, create a JS folder inside the SRC folder.
  • Right-click on SRC and select the option New Folder.
  • Create a file called WelcomeMsg.js.
    function HelloMsg(arg) {
        alert("Welcome to Angular Class - " + arg);

Reference JS File in angular.json file

The Angular.json file is located inside the project root folder. Open and update the SCRIPTS array which is inside the builds object.

"scripts": [

Open app.component.html and update the code.

Note. Remove the default code of app.component.html.

import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { RouterOutlet } from '@angular/router';

declare function HelloMsg(arg: any): void;

  selector: 'app-root',
  standalone: true,
  imports: [RouterOutlet],
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {

  ngOnInit() {
    HelloMsg("Ashish, Suhana");

  title = 'AnguWalk';

Now, run the project to check the output.


ng serve --open



You see the javascript HelloMsg function executed and the alert window displayed successfully.

Happy Coding!

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