Host Web Site To Microsoft Azure

  • Microsoft Azure Subscription. If you do not have a subscription, click to get a free Subscription.
  • Any Editor like Visual Studio Code, Notepad ++, Visual Studio.
  • Filezilla FTP Client
Let’s get started!
Step 1

Open Editor and write some HTML or any web script. Or download from GitHub.
Step 2

Open Azure Portal by visiting

Microsoft Azure
Step 3

Click and create App Services by going to App services -> +Add -> Web App.
Microsoft Azure
Step 4

After clicking on "Create" button, you can write the site name that you want. In my case, I wrote meetazuresites1 so my site domain will be "". The final screen looks like the last screenshot.
Microsoft Azure
Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure
Step 5

Click on the "Deployment Credentials" and write down the password for accessing server and save it.
Microsoft Azure
Step 6

Open Filezilla. If you do not have it downloaded, you can get it from 
Fill your server credentials - hostname, username, password, and click "Quick Connect".
Microsoft Azure
Step 7

On the right-hand side, your server files and left-hand site your computer files are visible. 
Be sure you are in the root folder of the server files and copy to server. Your main file name should be index.html. You can delete the hosting.html file.
Microsoft Azure
Step 8

Now, your site is hosted on Azure. You can visit by entering the URL on browser or clicking on Azure portal.
 Microsoft Azure
Congratulations! You have hosted your site to Azure !!!!