In my previous article, I have explained how to fetch the access token to consume graph APIs in web applications.
When we retrieve a user from Office 365 it returns the default properties such as - user id, business phone, display name, job title, mail, userprincipalname, mobilephone, and office location.
Use Microsoft Graph Explorer to retrieve the default properties of the below request.
GET{userid | userprincipalname}
It retrieves the properties of the current signer in user.
Now, I am going to retrieve the user information from the SharePoint site.
Open the SharePoint site.
Create a user.html file under siteAssets.
Create the function requesttoken() to fetch the access token and use it in the headers.
- < script src = "" > < /script> < script type = "text/javascript" >
- var token;
- $(document).ready(function() {
- requestToken();
- });
- function requestToken() {
- $.ajax({
- "async": true,
- "crossDomain": true,
- "url": "", // Pass your tenant name instead of sharepointtechie
- "method": "POST",
- "headers": {
- "content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
- },
- "data": {
- "grant_type": "client_credentials",
- "client_id ": "8baf0301-27df-44b1-b4fe-7911b9a918de",
- "client_secret": "DxSF1K+JKl7LWJK8+3Ibg4il5JM4qUvdwOtShsYNvEA=",
- "scope ": ""
- },
- success: function(response) {
- console.log(response);
- token = response.access_token;
- getUserInformation();
- },
- error: function(error) {
- console.log(JSON.stringify(error));
- }
- })
- }
The below response is the outcome of the above code:
Now, create a function getUserProperties() and retreive the user properties from Microsoft Graph API.
- function getUserInformation() {
- $.ajax({
- method: 'GET',
- url: "{userid | userprincipalname}",
- headers: {
- 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token,
- 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
- },
- }).success(function(response) {
- console.log(response);
- }).error(function(error) {});
- }
After passing the user principalname, the code looks like below.
- function getUserInformation() {
- $.ajax({
- method: 'GET',
- url: "[email protected]",
- headers: {
- 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token,
- 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
- },
- }).success(function(response) {
- console.log(response);
- }).error(function(error) {});
- }
The below response is the outcome of the above code.
So, let's append the code into HTML.
- function getUser() {
- $.ajax({
- method: 'GET',
- url: "[email protected]",
- headers: {
- 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token,
- 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
- },
- }).success(function(response) {
- console.log(response);
- var Name = response.displayName;
- var Title = response.jobTitle;
- var email = response.mail;
- var office = response.officeLocation;
- var mobile = response.mobilePhone;
- var business = response.businessPhones[0];
- $('#one').append(Name);
- $('#two').append(Title);
- $('#three').append(email);
- $('#four').append(office);
- $('#five').append(mobile);
- $('#six').append(business);
- }).error(function(error) {});
- }
- Name:<p id="one"></p>
- Job Title:<p id="two"></p>
- Email:<p id="three"></p>
- Office:<p id="four"></p>
- Mobile:<p id="five"></p>
- Business Phone:<p id="six"></p>