Ionic2 provides a platform to web developers to build great mobile apps and Progressive Web Apps in a way that feels just like building websites. That means the standard HTML, CSS, and JavaScript you are using to build a website will help you turn it into mobile magic.
Benefits of Ionic2 are as follows:
- Cross platform mobile development framework
- Angular 2 powered
- Write once, deploy on different platforms
- Runs on browser and devices
- Debug on browser
- Navigation like native(Push & Pop, no URL based navigation)
- Template Syntax
- Ionicons
- Tooling(ionic CLI)
- Native Look & Feel
- ES6 and TypeScript etc…
Enough of the introduction!!! Now let’s start with the installation.
Step 1
Download and install node.js.
Step 2
Install cordova ( a framework that enables development for cross patform apps with HTML, CSS and JavaScript)
npm install -g cordova (mac/linux user write sudo)
Step 3
Install Ionic CLI (This installs the Ionic Command Line Interface into your workstation.)
npm install -g ionic
To check the details of your installed ionic, simply run
ionic info
Step 4
Install Typescript (TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript, and works really well with Angular 2).
npm install -g typescript
Step 5
Create ionic 2 application
ionic start myfirstapp –v2 (tab application)
Or for tutorial project
ionic start myfirstapp tutorial –v2 (side menu application)
here –v2 specifies the ionic version 2
–v1 for ionic 1
You can get a list of available templates by simply writing
ionic start –list
Step 6
Run the application, first navigate to your working directory then,
ionic serve
ionic serve -l
List Of Ionic2 CLI commands which might be useful when building the application
- Add new Page
ionic generate page nameofthepage
- Add new Platform like android and ios
ionic platform add android
ionic platform add ios
ionic platform add windows
ionic platform add browser
- Build the application for a particular platform
Before running on the device you must configure Android studio for Android application
ionic build android
To build for ios, you need to be using MacOs and have xCode installed. You also need two node modules installed globally. They just help in building and deploying the app.
npm install -g ios-deploy
npm install -g ios-sim version
ionic build ios
- Run application on devices
ionic run andorid
ionic run ios
I hope you found this post helpful. Thank you for reading.