Getting Started With Azure HDInsight: Create Apache Storm Cluster


  • Azure account.

Now, let's start with the following steps:

Create Apache Storm Cluster

Step 1

Sign in to the online Microsoft Azure Portal.

Step 2

In the Jump bar, click New, then click Data + Analytics and select HDInsight.

Step 3

In the new HDInsight Cluster account blade, specify the desired configuration for the HDInsight Cluster account (Cluster Name, Cluster Type, Cluster Operating System, HDInsight Version, Resource Group, Credentials, Data Source, Node Pricing Tiers & Optional Configuration).

Cluster Name

Cluster Type Configuration Details

Credentials Details

Data Source Details

Node Pricing Tier Details

Click Create button at the bottom of the screen to create the HDInsight Cluster.


Once the creation completes (normally, it takes 10 to 15 minutes), we are ready with the New Cluster.