Func, Action And Predicate Delegates In C#


We learned what delegates are in this article.

Whenever we use delegates, we have to declare a delegate, initialize it, and then call a method with a reference variable.

In order to get rid of all the first steps, we can directly use Func, Action, or Predicate delegates.

  1. The Func delegate takes zero, one or more input parameters, and returns a value (with its out parameter).
  2. The action takes zero, one or more input parameters, but does not return anything.
  3. Predicate is a special kind of Func. It represents a method that contains a set of criteria mostly defined inside an if condition and checks whether the passed parameter meets those criteria or not.

It takes one input parameter and returns a boolean - true or false.

Note. You can use all three of them with anonymous methods and lambda expressions.

Let's first learn the Func delegate.

Syntax 1

One input parameter and one return parameter.

public delegate TResult Func<int T, out TResult>(T arg);  

Syntax 2

Two input parameters and one return parameter.

public delegate TResult Func<in T1, in T2, out TResult>(T1 arg, T2 arg2)

The last parameter in the angle brackets <> is considered as the return type, and the remaining parameters are considered as input parameter types. It can have 0 - 16 input parameters.

Func with 0 parameters

Func<int> SomeMethodName; 

It still has one parameter; it is a return type because func always returns something.

class Program  
       static void Main(string[] args)  public delegate TResult Func<in T1, in T2, out TResult>(T1 arg, T2 arg2)
           Func<int,int,int> Addition = AddNumbers;  
           int result = Addition(10, 20);  
           Console.WriteLine($"Addition = {result}");  
       private static int AddNumbers(int param1, int param2 )  
           return param1 + param2;  

Func with an Anonymous Method

Func<int,int,int> Addition = delegate (int param1, int param2)    
    return param1 + param2;    
int result = Addition(10, 20);    
Console.WriteLine($"Addition = {result}");     

Func with Lambda Expression

Func<int, int, int> Addition = (param1, param2) => param1 + param2;  
            int result = Addition(10, 20);  
            Console.WriteLine($"Addition = {result}"); 

Action delegate

Here, the method AddNumbers takes 2 parameters but returns nothing. The results are assigned to an instance variable result.

Even an ion delegate can have 0 - 16 input parameters.

private static int result;  
        static void Main(string[] args)  
            Action<int, int> Addition = AddNumbers;  
            Addition(10, 20);  
            Console.WriteLine($"Addition = {result}");  
        private static void AddNumbers(int param1, int param2 )  
            result = param1 + param2;  

Action with an Anonymous method

private static int result;  
       static void Main(string[] args)  
           Action<int, int> Addition = delegate (int param1, int param2)  
               result = param1 + param2;  
           Addition(10, 20);  
           Console.WriteLine($"Addition = {result}");  

Action with a Lambda expression

private static int result;  
       static void Main(string[] args)  
           Action<int, int> Addition  = (param1, param2) => result = param1 + param2; ;  
           Addition(10, 20);  
           Console.WriteLine($"Addition = {result}");  

Predicate delegate

Syntax difference between predicate & func is that here in predicate, you don't specify a return type because it is always a bool.

.Let's check if the phone is an iPhone or not.

class Program  
    static void Main(string[] args)  
        Predicate<string> CheckIfApple = IsApple;  
        bool result  = IsApple("I Phone X");  
        Console.WriteLine("It's an IPhone");  
    private static bool IsApple(string modelName)  
        if (modelName == "I Phone X")  
            return true;  
            return false;  

A predicate with the Anonymous method

Predicate < string > CheckIfApple = delegate(string modelName) {  
    if (modelName == "I Phone X") return true;  
    else return false;  
bool result = CheckIfApple("I Phone X");  
if (result) Console.WriteLine("It's an IPhone");   

A predicate with Lambda expressions

Predicate < string > CheckIfApple = modelName => {  
    if (modelName == "I Phone X") return true;  
    else return false;  
bool result = CheckIfApple("I Phone X");  
if (result) Console.WriteLine("It's an IPhone");   


That's how you can directly use ready-made delegates without having them declared.

I hope this blog has given you the basic idea of delegate types. Be sure to implement them in your project.

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