FuliggineBackupper in C#

Sample Image - FuliggineBackupper.png


How may times have you lost all the data from your hard disk?

I'm sure that, to prevent any loss of data, you periodically copy some of your most important folders and files. You would agree with me that if the number of projects and folders are high this isn't easy.

In fact it's a little hard to manually backup every day some of your data and remember where the backup copies are.

Some time ago I lost some important data from my H.D., so I started writing a simple application which manages backups.

My first idea was to build a program that manages different projects to let me to associate multiple files together.

The second fact is that a project may contain both files and folders. So in my program I defined a class called ITEM, which can be a file or a folder.

After that I allowed the program to compress all the ITEMS in a single zip file named with the current date/time.

All the zip files from the same project are stored in the same folder using the project name.

To do this I use a freeware library called ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll.

After that I synchronize this entire feature in a simple and cool Interface.

All the images are loaded at runtime to allow you to change it without re-building the executable and to allow to change icons sets.


First of all you must create a project in which you can add as many items you want. To do this you simply click the add project button (the one with the icon with a box and a plus). This window will appear:


Please enter a name (not null) and press OK. After that, add the items by clicking the add item button (the one with book and plus).

This window will appear:

You can choose more then one file or chose an intere folder. All the sub-folder an their files will be included.
Remember to save your project before close the application(if you want that).

You can choose more than one file or chose a folder. All the sub-folders and their files will be included. Remember to save your project before closing the application (if you want that).

You can choose to backup one single project or the entire project. You can simply open the backup's folder clicking on the bank button.

IMPORTANT: This program uses a folder on the C drive called "temp_Backupper". All the data in this folder is temporary and will be deleted after the backupper completes execution.

Source Code

All the features are handled by the Project manager control. Look at the source code for more info. In the next few days I will explain the code line by line, but for now the comments in the code should be sufficient.


This is only one of the possible solutions. Maybe it isn't the best, but I think that it's simple and fast. For any advice, questions or problems please contact me. If you would like to see my other work please visit my home page: http://zeppaman.altervista.org

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