Exploring ValueTask in C#


In C#, asynchronous programming is a cornerstone for building responsive applications. Traditionally, Task has been the go-to type for representing asynchronous operations. However, in certain high-performance scenarios, the overhead associated with the Task can be a bottleneck. Enter ValueTask, a relatively new addition to the .NET ecosystem designed to provide a more efficient alternative.

In this article, we'll delve into what ValueTask is, when to use it, and how it compares to Task. We'll also cover some practical examples to illustrate its usage.

Understanding ValueTask

ValueTask is a struct introduced in .NET Core 2.1. Unlike Task, which is a reference type, ValueTask is a value type, making it more efficient in certain scenarios, particularly when the asynchronous operation is often completed synchronously.

Key Characteristics of ValueTask

  1. Efficiency: Being a value type, ValueTask can reduce heap allocations and improve performance.
  2. Flexibility: ValueTask can represent either a completed value or a Task, providing more flexibility.
  3. Non-Allocating: In cases where the result is available synchronously, ValueTask can avoid allocations altogether.

When to Use ValueTask?

While ValueTask offers performance benefits, it should be used judiciously. Here are some scenarios where ValueTask shines.

  • High-Performance Applications: In scenarios where performance is critical, and the asynchronous operation often completes synchronously, ValueTask can be beneficial.
  • Memory-Constrained Environments: When minimizing allocations is essential, such as in low-latency systems or high-throughput services.

However, ValueTask also comes with some caveats

  • Complexity: Handling ValueTask correctly can be more complex than Task. Misuse can lead to subtle bugs.
  • Limited Composability: Unlike Task, ValueTask is not designed to be awaited multiple times or to be used with methods like WhenAll or WhenAny.

Using ValueTask

Let's explore some practical examples to understand how to use ValueTask.

Example 1. Synchronous Completion

public ValueTask<int> GetNumberAsync(bool completedSynchronously)
    if (completedSynchronously)
        // Return a ValueTask with a completed result
        return new ValueTask<int>(42);
        // Return a ValueTask wrapping an asynchronous operation
        return new ValueTask<int>(Task.Run(() => {
            // Simulate an asynchronous operation
            return 42;

In this example, the method returns a ValueTask<int>. If the operation completes synchronously, it returns a ValueTask<int> the result directly. Otherwise, it returns a ValueTask<int> that wraps an asynchronous Task<int>.

Example 2. Asynchronous Streams

ValueTask can be particularly useful when implementing asynchronous streams using IAsyncEnumerable<T>.

public async IAsyncEnumerable<int> GetNumbersAsync(int count)
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
        // Simulate some asynchronous work
        await Task.Delay(100);
        yield return i;

Here, the IAsyncEnumerable<int> interface allows for asynchronous iteration over a sequence of values. ValueTask can be used internally to optimize performance when the asynchronous work is often completed synchronously.

Best Practices

To effectively use ValueTask, keep the following best practices in mind.

  1. Avoid Multiple Awaiting: Do not await ValueTask multiple times. If you need to await it multiple times, convert it to a Task using AsTask().
  2. Use Sparingly: Use ValueTask only when performance profiling indicates that the Task is a bottleneck.
  3. Understand the Overhead: Be aware of the potential complexities and pitfalls of using ValueTask. Ensure your team understands its nuances to avoid subtle bugs.


ValueTask is a powerful tool in the C# asynchronous programming toolkit. When used correctly, it can offer performance benefits in scenarios where the Task may introduce unnecessary overhead. However, with its power comes complexity. Use ValueTask judiciously and always profile your application to ensure it provides the desired benefits.

By understanding the nuances of ValueTask and following best practices, you can build high-performance, responsive applications that leverage the full power of asynchronous programming in C#.

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