Explain BLOB Datatypes in MySQL


Managing massive amounts of binary data, including pictures, music files, and multimedia, in a database-friendly manner is essential. To meet this demand, MySQL provides BLOB (Binary Large Object), a specific datatype. This article explores MySQL's many BLOB types, how to use them, and things to keep in mind when managing binary data in your database.

What is a BLOB?

Binary Large Objects, or BLOBs, are used to store binary data. The raw format of any sort of data can be stored in BLOBs, unlike text data types which only store character data. This consists of binary data such as documents and other multimedia items like photos and movies.

Types of BLOB in MySQL

To handle varying binary data sizes, MySQL offers four different kinds of BLOBs:

    • Storage: Up to 255 bytes.
    • Perfect for little binary data, like short binary strings or icons.
  2. BLOB
    • Storage: Up to 65,535 bytes (64 KB).
    • Generally applied to binary data of a moderate size, like small audio snippets or small photos.
    • Storage: Up to 16,777,215 bytes (16 MB).
    • Suitable for bigger binary data, including PDF documents, audio files, or enormous photos.
    • Storage: Up to 4,294,967,295 bytes (4 GB).
    • Developed for extremely massive binary data, including massive data collections or high-definition films.

Creating a Table with BLOB columns

CREATE TABLE example_table (
    data BLOB

Inserting Data into a BLOB column

INSERT INTO example_table (data) VALUES (LOAD_FILE('/path/to/your/file'));

Retrieving Data from a BLOB column

SELECT data FROM example_table WHERE id = 1;

Considerations for Using BLOBs

  • Performance: Your database's performance may suffer if you store massive binary data in BLOBs. Large files should frequently be kept outside of databases and references (such as file paths or URLs) should be kept inside of databases.
  • Backup and Restore: Compared to text data, managing backups for databases containing large amounts of BLOB data can be more difficult and time-consuming.
  • Indexing: Because BLOB columns are not appropriate for indexing, their use in specific kinds of queries may be restricted.
  • Application Handling: Make sure that your logic can upload, download, and process binary material in an effective manner, as well as handle BLOB data.


A reliable option for managing and storing binary data inside of your database is MySQL's BLOBs. You can handle a variety of binary data requirements with this datatype by knowing the different kinds of BLOBs and according to recommended practices. To maintain optimal database performance, always think about the effects on performance and look into alternatives, such as external storage, for managing particularly large files.

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