Figure 1.
This snapshot is before the items in the list are expanded.
Figure 2.
This snapshot is taken after the items in the ListBox are expanded.
The following XAML code creates the Expander control at design time. Copy and paste this code in your application.
<Expander Background="DarkGreen" x:Name="Expander1" Header="Expander1">
<StackPanel Background="Blue">
<Expander Background="Red" Header="Expander2">
<ListBox Background="Chocolate" Name="listbox11">
<TextBlock>raj beniwal</TextBlock>
<ListBoxItem Background="Blue">
<StackPanel Background="Yellow">
<TextBlock>dinesh kumar</TextBlock>
<Expander Background="Pink" Header="Expander3">
<ListBox Name="list2">
<TextBlock>rahul saxena</TextBlock>
<TextBlock>naresh kumar</TextBlock>
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