As a DevOps engineer, understanding and keeping track of commonly used port numbers is critical to ensuring seamless communication between systems and services. Below is a comprehensive list categorized by purpose to serve as your go-to reference guide.
Web, Proxy, and Application Services
- HTTP: 80
- HTTPS: 443
- HTTP Alternative: 8080
- HTTPS Alternative: 8443
- NGINX Web Server: 80/443
- Apache Web Server: 80/443
- Tomcat: 8080
- HAProxy (Admin Interface): 1936
- Varnish Cache: 6081/6082
- Squid Proxy: 3128
- WebSocket Secure (WSS): 443
- WebSocket: 80
Remote Access & File Transfer
- SSH: 22
- FTP: 21
- FTPS: 990
- SFTP (via SSH): 22
- RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol): 3389
- Telnet: 23
- SCP (via SSH): 22
- MySQL: 3306
- PostgreSQL: 5432
- Microsoft SQL Server: 1433
- Oracle Database: 1521
- MongoDB: 27017
- Redis: 6379
- MariaDB: 3306
- Cassandra: 9042
- Neo4j: 7474 (HTTP), 7687 (Bolt Protocol)
- Couchbase: 8091/8092
- Cassandra Native Transport: 9042
- CouchDB: 5984
- Memcached: 11211
- MariaDB Galera Cluster: 4567/4568
- Apache HBase: 60010/60020
Messaging & Queue Systems
- RabbitMQ: 5672
- Kafka: 9092
- ActiveMQ: 61616
- MQTT: 1883
- MQTT over SSL: 8883
- Amazon SQS over HTTPS: 443
- NSQ (Message Queue): 4150/4151
- Celery Flower: 5555
Email Protocols
- SMTP: 25
- SMTP Secure (SMTPS): 465
- SMTP Alternative: 587
- POP3: 110
- POP3 Secure: 995
- IMAP: 143
- IMAP Secure: 993
Monitoring & Analytics
- Prometheus: 9090
- Grafana: 3000
- Kibana: 5601
- Elasticsearch HTTP: 9200
- Elasticsearch Transport: 9300
- StatsD: 8125
- cAdvisor: 4194
- Zabbix Agent: 10050/10051
- Splunk Web Interface: 8000
- Splunk Forwarder: 9997
- Nagios Web Interface: 5666
- Datadog Agent: 8125/3838
Containerization & Orchestration
- Docker (no TLS): 2375
- Docker (with TLS): 2376
- Kubernetes API Server: 6443
- Kubernetes Kubelet API: 10250
- Read-only Kubelet API: 10255
- Kubernetes Metrics Server: 10251
- Kubernetes Controller Manager: 10257
Security & Authentication
- DNS: 53
- LDAP: 389
- LDAPS: 636
- RADIUS Authentication: 1812
- RADIUS Accounting: 1813
- OpenVPN: 1194
- IPSec NAT Traversal: 4500
Version Control & CI/CD
- Git Daemon: 9418
- Jenkins: 8080
- Nexus Repository Manager: 8081
- SonarQube: 9000
Cloud and DevOps Tools
- OpenStack Horizon: 5000
- AWS Lambda API: 443
- Terraform Enterprise: 8800
- Ansible Tower: 8080/443
Build & Deployment Automation
- GitLab: 80/443
- GitHub Enterprise: 3000
- TeamCity Server: 8111
- CircleCI: 8080
- Bamboo: 8085
Infrastructure Management & Automation
- Chef Server: 443
- SaltStack Master: 4505 (Commands), 4506 (Return Data)
- Puppet Master: 8140
- HashiCorp Consul Agent: 8301 (LAN), 8500 (HTTP)
- Terraform Enterprise: 8800
- Ansible AWX/Tower: 8052
- Rundeck: 4440
Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)
- GitHub Actions Runners: 443
- GitLab Runner: 8093
- Jenkins Slave Agent: 50000
- Bamboo Agent: 8085
- Spinnaker Front50: 8084
- Drone CI: 8000
- Argo CD API: 8080
This categorized list ensures a streamlined reference for troubleshooting, configuration, or setting up secure connections across your development and production environments. Bookmark this for quick access,