Enhancing Search Capabilities with Azure Cognitive Search


Azure Cognitive Search is a powerful cloud-based search service from Microsoft that leverages AI and machine learning to deliver sophisticated search capabilities. By integrating full-text search with cognitive skills, Azure Cognitive Search provides users with advanced search functionality that can be easily integrated into applications. In this article, we will explore the features, benefits, and real-world applications of Azure Cognitive Search, along with code examples to help you get started.

What is Azure Cognitive Search?

Azure Cognitive Search is a search-as-a-service solution that allows developers to create advanced search experiences for web and mobile applications. It offers full-text search, filtering, faceting, and ranking capabilities, enhanced by AI-powered cognitive skills for extracting insights from content.

Key Features of Azure Cognitive Search

  1. Full-Text Search: Supports powerful text search with advanced querying capabilities.
  2. Cognitive Skills: Leverages AI to extract insights from unstructured data, including text, images, and documents.
  3. Indexing: Efficiently indexes large datasets, enabling quick and accurate search results.
  4. Scalability: Scales to handle large volumes of data and high query loads.
  5. Security: Provides robust security features, including encryption, access control, and compliance with industry standards.

Getting Started with Azure Cognitive Search

To get started with Azure Cognitive Search, you'll need an Azure account and an Azure Cognitive Search service instance. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Step 1. Set Up Your Azure Account

If you don’t already have an Azure account, you can sign up for a free account at Azure Free Account.

Step 2. Create an Azure Cognitive Search Service

  1. Log in to the Azure Portal.
  2. Click on “Create a resource” and search for “Azure Cognitive Search.”
  3. Click “Create” and fill in the necessary details, such as the resource group, name, and region.
  4. Select the pricing tier that fits your needs and click “Review + Create” and then “Create” to deploy the service.

Step 3. Get Your API Key and Service URL

Once your Azure Cognitive Search service is created, navigate to it in the Azure portal and retrieve your API key and service URL from the “Keys” and “Overview” sections, respectively.

Using Azure Cognitive Search in Your Application

Let’s create a simple .NET application that uses Azure Cognitive Search to index and search documents.

Step 1. Create a .NET Console Application

First, create a new .NET console application.

dotnet new console -n AzureCognitiveSearchDemo
cd AzureCognitiveSearchDemo

Step 2. Install Required Packages

Install the Azure Cognitive Search SDK.

dotnet add package Azure.Search.Documents

Step 3. Implement the Code

Create a class `SearchService` to interact with the Azure Cognitive Search service.

using Azure;
using Azure.Search.Documents;
using Azure.Search.Documents.Indexes;
using Azure.Search.Documents.Indexes.Models;
using Azure.Search.Documents.Models;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

public class SearchService
    private readonly string _serviceName;
    private readonly string _apiKey;
    private readonly string _indexName;
    private readonly SearchClient _searchClient;
    private readonly SearchIndexClient _indexClient;

    public SearchService(string serviceName, string apiKey, string indexName)
        _serviceName = serviceName;
        _apiKey = apiKey;
        _indexName = indexName;
        string serviceEndpoint = $"https://{_serviceName}.search.windows.net";
        _indexClient = new SearchIndexClient(new Uri(serviceEndpoint), new AzureKeyCredential(_apiKey));
        _searchClient = new SearchClient(new Uri(serviceEndpoint), _indexName, new AzureKeyCredential(_apiKey));

    public async Task CreateIndexAsync()
        var fieldBuilder = new FieldBuilder();
        var searchFields = fieldBuilder.Build(typeof(Document));

        var definition = new SearchIndex(_indexName, searchFields);

        await _indexClient.CreateOrUpdateIndexAsync(definition);

    public async Task IndexDocumentsAsync(IEnumerable<Document> documents)
        var batch = IndexDocumentsBatch.Upload(documents);
        await _searchClient.IndexDocumentsAsync(batch);

    public async Task SearchAsync(string query)
        var options = new SearchOptions
            IncludeTotalCount = true,
            Filter = "",
            OrderBy = new List<string> { "score desc" }

        SearchResults<Document> results = await _searchClient.SearchAsync<Document>(query, options);

        Console.WriteLine($"Total Documents Found: {results.TotalCount}");

        foreach (SearchResult<Document> result in results.GetResults())
            Console.WriteLine($"Document: {result.Document.Id} - {result.Document.Content}");

public class Document
    [SimpleField(IsKey = true, IsFilterable = true)]
    public string Id { get; set; }

    [SearchableField(IsFilterable = true, IsSortable = true)]
    public string Content { get; set; }

Update the `Program.cs` file to use the `SearchService`.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace AzureCognitiveSearchDemo
    class Program
        static async Task Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Enter your Azure Cognitive Search service name:");
            var serviceName = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.WriteLine("Enter your Azure Cognitive Search API key:");
            var apiKey = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.WriteLine("Enter the index name:");
            var indexName = Console.ReadLine();

            var searchService = new SearchService(serviceName, apiKey, indexName);

            await searchService.CreateIndexAsync();

            var documents = new List<Document>
                new Document { Id = "1", Content = "Azure Cognitive Search provides powerful search capabilities." },
                new Document { Id = "2", Content = "Leveraging AI and machine learning in search services." }

            await searchService.IndexDocumentsAsync(documents);

            Console.WriteLine("Enter a search query:");
            var query = Console.ReadLine();

            await searchService.SearchAsync(query);

Running the Application

Run the application using the following command.

dotnet run

When prompted, enter your Azure Cognitive Search service name, API key, index name, and a search query. The application will then display the search results.

Applications of Azure Cognitive Search

Azure Cognitive Search can be applied in various domains to enhance search capabilities and extract insights.

  • E-commerce: Improve product search and discovery, enhance customer experience, and boost sales.
  • Healthcare: Enable efficient search through medical records, research papers, and clinical data.
  • Legal: Streamline document search and retrieval in legal firms, making case research faster and more efficient.
  • Enterprise: Enhance internal knowledge management and information retrieval for employees.


Azure Cognitive Search is a powerful tool that enhances search capabilities by leveraging AI and machine learning. By integrating Azure Cognitive Search into your applications, you can provide users with advanced search functionality, improve data discovery, and extract valuable insights from unstructured data. This guide provides a starting point for implementing Azure Cognitive Search, and we encourage you to explore its full potential in your specific use case.

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