Early Merge Conflict Detection Across All Branches In VS Code

We are happy to announce that GitLive's flagship feature, early merge conflict detection, now works across all branches in VS Code! 🎉

When we first introduced real-time merge conflict detection, only the changes from each of your teammates’ current branch were shown in the gutter. This meant you could miss a merge conflict from changes in a branch that was not currently being worked on: for instance, changes from a PR waiting for review. Now the change indicators in the gutter of the editor show changes from all branches that contain changes compared to your current branch.

And, as before, and as long as you are not in offline mode, this includes the unpushed changes of your teammates who are also not in offline mode for real-time, instant merge conflict detection!

New gutter indicator filters

Previously, you had a simple switch to show or hide the indicators you see in the gutter of the editor. Now, similar to the team window, you can filter the change indicators shown in the gutter of your editor by type.

It’s worth noting that these filters are independent of the team window filters, but when you change the team window filters the gutter indicator filters are automatically updated to match (but not vice versa). To open the gutter filters menu, click on the GitLive icon in the upper right corner of VS Code.

  • Pushed Changes
    Turning off pushed changes will hide the indicators coming from the pushed changes on other branches.
  • Unpushed Changes
    Turning off unpushed changes will hide the indicators coming from the unpushed changes of your teammates.
  • Non-conflicting changes
    On by default, turn off non-conflicting changes to only show conflicts in the gutter.
  • Include stale changes
    By default, changes from branches that have not been modified in three months are hidden. Turn this on to show them.

Both pushed and unpushed changes are on by default. Turn both off to hide the indicators completely.

That’s it for now. We would love to know what you think of these updates and how we can make GitLive better for you, so please reach out via the comments section below.

Don't have the GitLive extension installed yet? You can find it here, and if want to learn more about the latest release, check out this blog post.