New Power BI Feature - Drill Through Filter In Power BI


The drill through feature was introduced recently, in the September update.

It’s a most useful filter. Sometimes there is a situation in which we want to redirect our one report page to another report page.

This filter made our work much easier. Most of the time we need drill through functionality in our reports.

This feature is a boon for BI developers.

Here in this article, I tried to explain it using an example.


Suppose I have  a Twitter analytics report and when I right click on Twitter text or likes or retweets it should redirect me to my page 2 report.

Now let’s check how to achieve this drill through functionality.

Step 1

I already have a Twitter analytics report like this.


Observe the following table visual.


When I right click on this visual currently it is showing only three options.


It is not showing drill through option now.

Step 2

Now let’s add a second page.

Now we will add one Stacked bar chart in this page.


It will look like this.


Step 3

To achieve Drill through filters we have to set drill through parameters within visual.

I want drill through functionality on a click of,

  • Tweet text
  • Likes
  • Retweets


So, I will add those parameters in Drill through filter.

Step 4

It will automatically add back button on the top of the page.


We can also set back button “Off” using properties.


Step 5

Now let’s go to first page.

Now right click on Tweet Text


It shows Drill through functionality.

Step 6

Right Click > Drill Through > Go to Page 2


Step 7

Same, if we click on likes and retweets it will show drill through option.


Step 8

It will open Page 2 with drill through functionality.


If we publish a report and view it in power BI dashboard, we can go back on clicking on back button.

But in Power BI desktop we cannot go back when we click on a back button. 


This is how we can create drill through functionality in Power BI. Isn’t it amazing?

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