One of the basic requirements in writing your own Bot Service is to seed it with questions and answers ( for chat windows). In many cases, the questions and answers already exist in content like FAQ URLs/documents, etc. Using this content, we can develop our own Bot Service using Microsoft Azure. In this article, I will explain how to develop your own basic Bot service using Microsoft Azure.
Steps to create Bot service
- Go here and create your Azure AD account by clicking on Azure AD in Office 365 Admin Center.
- After completing your registration process, it will take us to Microsoft Azure home page.
- Click on “+ New” in the left side menu bar.
- In "New" menu, go to “Intelligence + Analytics” category.
- Click on “Bot Service” to create new bot service in Azure.
- Give unique name for Bot in “App Name” field and create new “Resource Group”. Click on "Create" button.
- Deployment has been started and it will take a few minutes to complete the deployment process. We can see the status of deployment by clicking on notification bell icon on top menu bar.
- After successful completion of deployment, the below page will appear.
- To create App ID and password, click “Create Microsoft App ID and password” button to register your bot service with Microsoft.
- It takes us to where we need to login with Microsoft account.
- Click on “Generate an app password to continue” to generate password and copy the password. Click on "OK" button.
- Click on “Finish and go back to bot framework” button.
- Enter the generated password in password field.
- Select the language for Bot service. In this example, I have selected C# language for my bot service.
- Select the template type of your Bot service. In this example, I have selected “Basic” for my bot service.
- Finally, click on “Create bot” button to create the bot service.
- It will take a few minutes to create bot service.
- After the Bot service generates your basic bot, the Microsoft Azure editor will contain your bot’s source files and we can modify the source code and save the changes.
- We can use chat window to test our new basic bot that's been created.
Thus, you have learned how to develop your own basic Bot service using Microsoft Azure.