What is Docker?
Docker is a platform where developers can package, deploy and run the application in isolated environments. If you want to learn more about Docker Introduction, Architecture. Please go through- Docker Introduction, Architecture
What is Docker Image?
Docker Image is a package that is lightweight, standalone, and executable. It includes everything required to run an application, like code, runtime and libraries, and dependencies.
Where can we use Docker?
Docker can build and deploy applications in various environments, including development, staging, UAT, and production across different OS and platforms.
Dockers commands
Now we will see some of the docker commands with their usage,
1. Run a container from an image
docker run
Example. docker run nginx
2. Build an image from the docker file
docker build
Example. docker build -t myapp:latest
3. Pull an image from the registry
docker pull
Example. docker pull ubuntu:latest
4. Push an image to the registry
docker push
Example. docker push myuser/myapp:latest
5. List all the available images on your machine
docker images
Example. docker images
6. List all running containers
docker ps
Example. docker ps
7. Stop a running container
docker stop
Example. docker stop mycontainer
8. Start a stopped container
docker start
Example. docker start mycontainer
9. Restart a running container
docker restart
Example. docker restart mycontainer
10. forcefully stop a running container
docker kill
Example. docker kill mycontainer
Thank you all for reading my article about containers.