The Azure private DNS zones auto registration capability is responsible for managing DNS records for virtual machines in a virtual network. When we connect a virtual network to a private DNS zone with this setting enabled, a DNS record for each virtual machine in the virtual network is created.
A record will be created for each virtual machine. DNS entries for freshly deployed virtual machines are also created automatically in the associated private DNS zone. If we delete a virtual machine, all the DNS records are automatically removed from the private DNS zone.
In my current scenario, I have a Virtual Network with subnets.
Step 1
On the Azure Portal, Click + Crate, and in the search bar, type DNS, and then select Private DNS zones.
Step 2
In Private DNS zones, Click Create.
Step 3
Enter the private DNS zone's name, click Review + Create, and then click Create.
Step 4
In our Private DNS zone (, select Virtual network links under the settings, and then select + Add.
Step 5
On the Add virtual network link, enter the name for the Link name, select the Virtual Network, select the Enable auto registration, and then click Ok.
Step 6
Create a Virtual Machine to verify the Auto registration.
Step 7
Open the Virtual machine and verify the Private IP address.
Step 8
To verify records are added to the DNS zone, open the Private DNS zone, and we can find our Virtual Machine automatically added to our DNS zone.
In this article, we learned how to configure a Private DNS zone to set up an Auto registration process. If you have any questions, feel free to comment under the article.