Azure Bicep makes it easy to write Infrastructure as Code (IaC) for deploying Azure resources. When used with Azure Pipelines, it automates deployments efficiently. This article explains how to create a storage account in Azure using Bicep and Azure Pipelines step by step.
Step 1. Create a Bicep Template in the Azure Portal
Azure lets you easily create Bicep templates directly in the portal. Here's how,
- Open Azure Portal
- Log in to the Azure Portal.
- Deploy a Resource
- Go to Create a Resource and select Storage Account.
Fill in details like,
- Subscription
- Resource Group (create one if needed)
- Storage Account Name
- Region and Performance settings
- Click Review + Create
Export the Bicep Template
Step 2. Set Up Your Azure Repo
Push the Bicep File to the Repository.
- Navigate to your Azure DevOps project.
- Go to Repos and create a new repository (if required).
- Upload the downloaded Bicep file to the repository as shown below.
Step 3. Create an Azure Pipeline
Set Up the Pipeline.
- Go to Pipelines in Azure DevOps.
- Click New Pipeline.
- Select Azure Repos Git as the code source and pick your repository.
Write the Pipeline YAML: Below is a sample pipeline YAML to deploy your Bicep template.
- main
vmImage: 'windows-latest'
- stage: DeployStorageAccount
displayName: Deploy Storage Account
- job: Deploy
displayName: Deploy Bicep Template
- task: AzureCLI@2
azureSubscription: '<Subscription-Name>'
scriptType: 'ps'
scriptLocation: 'inlineScript'
inlineScript: |
az deployment group create `
--resource-group "<Resource-Group-Name>" `
--template-file "bicep-templates/template.bicep"
Replace Placeholders.
- Replace <Subscription-Name> with the name of your Azure service connection/ Subscription Name
- Replace <Resource-Group-Name> with the name of the resource group where you want the storage account deployed.
Save and Run
Save the pipeline and click Run Pipeline to trigger it.
Pipeline Run Window View.
Storage Account Created in Azure Portal.