Demonstration And Configuration Of The Radzen Blazor


The Microsoft Blazor framework can be used to create web apps with the help of the UI library Radzen Blazor. It offers a selection of ready-made, editable UI elements that are simple to incorporate into Blazor projects. The UI framework is included by default when developing a Blazor application (both in WebAssembly and on the server). However, some projects could need to be completed more quickly or with a shorter time limit. In those situations, Blazor UI Components can be used, and in this article, we'll talk about the fantastic Radzen Blazor Components. We can accelerate the development of our Blazor applications by utilizing Radzen Blazon Components.

What is the Radzen Blazor?

The Microsoft Blazor framework can be used to create web apps on the low-code Radzen Blazor platform. It offers a visual drag-and-drop interface for creating user interfaces and enables developers to create web apps using C# and Razor syntax. Additionally, Radzen Blazor has functions including built-in data access, authentication, authorization, and integration with well-known data sources. With the aid of this platform, developers may rapidly and easily build web applications without having to have substantial coding skills. More than 60 native Blazor UI controls are included in the free and open-source Radzen Blazor Components collection. For commercial use, Radzen Blazor Components are free. As part of the Radzen Professional membership, paid support is offered.

Why used the Radzen Balzor?

Radzen Blazor is a popular open-source framework for building web applications. It is used for its ease of use, flexibility, and powerful features. The framework is built on top of Angular, which makes it easy to create complex and dynamic applications. It also includes a visual designer that allows developers to easily create and design web pages and forms. Additionally, Radzen Balzor includes built-in support for data management, authentication, and authorization, making it a great choice for building robust and secure web applications. A well-liked open-source framework for creating web applications is called Radzen Blazor. It is used because of its simplicity, adaptability, and potent properties. Because the framework is built on top of Angular, it's simple to develop intricate and dynamic apps. Additionally, it has a visual designer that enables programmers to quickly design and build web pages and forms. Radzen Blazor is an excellent option for creating reliable and secure online applications because it also comes with built-in support for data management, authentication, and authorization.

How to configure a radzen blazor?

Step 1 - Create a Blazor project.

Demonstration and configuration of the Radzen Blazor

Step 2 - Getting started Radzen Blazor.

Installing the Package

You can install the Radzen Blazor NuGet package to add the Radzen components to your project.

Demonstration and configuration of the Radzen Blazor

dotnet add package Radzen.Blazor

Right-click on the dependencies folder and select NuGet package manager then searched RadzenBalzor from the browse section and install.

Step 3 - Add a namespace from _Improt.razor file.

After installing the package, we need to add a namespace to the following  _Imports.razor file

@using Radzen
@using Radzen.Blazor

Step 4 - Add Style & Font references from the Index.html file.

Under the wwwroot folder, we open the Index.html file and added references for stylesheet or script links.

/*Open Pages\_Layout.cshtml (Blazor Server .NET 6), Pages\_Host.cshtml (Blazor Server .NET 7) or wwwroot/index.html (Blazor WebAssembly) and include a theme CSS file by adding this snippet:*/
<link rel="stylesheet" href="_content/Radzen.Blazor/css/material-base.css">
//To include a different theme (i.e. Standard) just change the name of the CSS file:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="_content/Radzen.Blazor/css/standard-base.css">
//Include Radzen.Blazor.js
<script src="_content/Radzen.Blazor/Radzen.Blazor.js"></script>

Step 5 - Add services from Program.cs file.

Let's now remove the default UI framework that was built when a new project was established. Let's open the NavMenu.razor file from the shared folder as an example. On that page, delete the HTML code block and replace it with the code below. Put Radzen Blazor components into practice.


How to use Radzen Component

here I'm creating a Radzen Accordion with auto collapsed.

<div class="container-fluid">
    <div class="row" style="min-height: 200px;">
        <div class="col-xl-6 p-3">
            <RadzenText TextStyle="TextStyle.H6" TagName="TagName.H3" Class="mb-4">Accordion with single expand</RadzenText>
            <RadzenAccordion Expand=@(args => Change(args, "Accordion with single expand", "expanded"))>
                    <RadzenAccordionItem Text="Orders" Icon="account_balance_wallet">
                      Details of Order
                    <RadzenAccordionItem Text="Employees" Icon="account_box">
                        Details for Employees
                    <RadzenAccordionItem Text="Customers" Icon="accessibility">
                        Details for Customers

@code {
   public string Change(object value, string name, string action)
        return null;



Radzen Blazor is a web framework that allows developers to build web applications using C# and Razor syntax, instead of JavaScript. It is useful because it allows for the use of a single language (C#) for both the front-end and back-end of an application, making development more efficient and streamlined. Additionally, it allows for the reuse of existing C# code and libraries, further increasing efficiency. It also allows developers to build web applications using the familiar Razor syntax, which is similar to other popular web development technologies such as ASP.NET. Overall, Radzen Blazor is useful because it simplifies web development by allowing for the use of a single language and familiar syntax across the entire application.

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