Data Sources For The Power BI


In this article, we will learn “How to connect Power BI with difference Data Sources”. With Power BI, we can connect different types of data such like from Excel to Online data.

Connecting Power BI with Different Data Sources

Select the Get Data option from the Home Menu in the Ribbon tool. This will list common data sources that we can connect within Power BI.

Data Sources For The Power BI
Fig.1 Get Data from Home Ribbon Tool

To get more data sources, click the More option from the list.

Data Sources For The Power BI
Fig. 2 More Options of Data Sources to Connect

From the left side of the screen, All options will list all types of data sources that we can connect. Under the All option, we can see the data sources are grouped in different types of categories as File, Database, Power Platform, Azure, Online Services, and others.

Now, let us choose the File option and it will show the list of files that Power BI supports.

Data Sources For The Power BI
Fig.3 List of File Data Sources that Power BI Supports

As a user, we can connect to our data source very easily by clicking the Connect button.

Likewise, we can connect quickly with any Database by clicking the option Database and it will list a wider list of databases that we can connect without Power BI.

Data Sources For The Power BI
Fig. 4 Databases that we can connect with Power BI

When connecting with Databases, we should have the proper credentials (User Name and Password) to connect and access the data.

The next potion is Power Platform. Power BI is providing some space, where we can store our data and directly connect with Power BI.

Data Sources For The Power BI
Fig. 5 Power Platform Data sources

The next option in the Get Data option is Microsoft’s Azure. Azure is a cloud platform and all we need is Azure credentials to connect. Any Azure services are listed out and we can easily connect with them.

Data Sources For The Power BI
Fig. 6 Azure Data Sources

The next option in the list is Online Services. From is an option, we can connect to third-party tools such as Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics, and any others. From this window, we can connect to Microsoft’s and other third parties tools. We have so many options here to connect with.

Data Sources For The Power BI
Fig. 7 Online Services to connect Third Party tools

The next option is Other, which has options to connect with any web applications, R Services, Python Scripts, and many others.

Data Sources For The Power BI
Fig. 8 Other Options in the Get Data List


With all these options we can easily fetch data into the Power BI. Almost all the data sources are available in Power BI, using these we can make Dashboards and Reports easily. In this article, we have discussed the data sources that we can connect with Power BI. In the next article, we will discuss “How to connect Data to Power BI “. Please share your feedback in the comment section.

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