Create Trigger
Create a Trigger by Adding the Trigger Name and selecting Action When a customer interacts with a website/app.
![create trigger]()
You will be navigated to Set Up Step.
Add the attributes
Enter the Attribute name and Data type as Text and Click the Next Button.
![integrate trigger]()
Integrate the code > Click Next Button.
Mark ready to use > Click Ready to use Button.
![ready to use button]()
Final Trigger View
![final trigger view]()
Create Journey
Create a New Journey.
- Select Journey type > Trigger–based.
- Choose a trigger > Created Trigger as Above
![create journey]()
Add Action and Publish
![journey integrated]()
Go to Created Trigger there. You will see the journey which we have created will be mapped.
![triggerusing js]()
Integrate Trigger
(function (a, t, i) {
var e = "MSEI";
var s = "Analytics";
var o = e + "queue";
a[o] = a[o] || [];
var r = a[e] || function (n) {
var t = {};
t[s] = {};
function e(e) {
while (e.length) {
var r = e.pop();
t[s][r] = function (e) {
return function () {
a[o].push([e, n, arguments]);
var r = "track";
var i = "set";
e([r + "Event", r + "View", r + "Action", i + "Property", i + "User", "initialize", "teardown"]);
return t;
var n =;
if (!a[e]) {
a[n] = r[s];
a[o].push(["new", n]);
setTimeout(function () {
var e = "script";
var r = t.createElement(e);
r.async = 1;
r.src = i.src;
var n = t.getElementsByTagName(e)[0];
n.parentNode.insertBefore(r, n);
}, 1);
} else {
a[n] = new r[s];
if (i.user) {
if (i.props) {
for (var c in i.props) {
a[n].setProperty(c, i.props[c]);
})(window, document, {
src: "",
name: "msdynmkt",
cfg: {
ingestionKey: "Pass your ingestionKey"
window["msdynmkt"].setUser({ authId: "Pass Contact Id" });
name: "Pass the Trigger Name",
ingestionKey: "Pass your ingestionKey",
version: "1.0.0",
properties: {
"firstname": "Add the Custom Value",
"bindingid": "Pass Contact ID"