Creating Triggers and Integrations with JavaScript

Create Trigger

Create a Trigger by Adding the Trigger Name and selecting Action When a customer interacts with a website/app.

create trigger

You will be navigated to Set Up Step.

Add the attributes

Enter the Attribute name and Data type as Text and Click the Next Button.

integrate trigger

Integrate the code > Click Next Button.

Mark ready to use > Click Ready to use Button.

ready to use button

Final Trigger View

final trigger view

Create Journey

Create a New Journey.

  • Select Journey type > Trigger–based.
  • Choose a trigger > Created Trigger as Above

create journey

Add Action and Publish

journey integrated

Go to Created Trigger there. You will see the journey which we have created will be mapped.

triggerusing js

Integrate Trigger

(function (a, t, i) {
    var e = "MSEI";
    var s = "Analytics";
    var o = e + "queue";
    a[o] = a[o] || [];
    var r = a[e] || function (n) {
        var t = {};
        t[s] = {};

        function e(e) {
            while (e.length) {
                var r = e.pop();
                t[s][r] = function (e) {
                    return function () {
                        a[o].push([e, n, arguments]);
        var r = "track";
        var i = "set";
        e([r + "Event", r + "View", r + "Action", i + "Property", i + "User", "initialize", "teardown"]);
        return t;
    var n =;
    if (!a[e]) {
        a[n] = r[s];
        a[o].push(["new", n]);
        setTimeout(function () {
            var e = "script";
            var r = t.createElement(e);
            r.async = 1;
            r.src = i.src;
            var n = t.getElementsByTagName(e)[0];
            n.parentNode.insertBefore(r, n);
        }, 1);
    } else {
        a[n] = new r[s];
    if (i.user) {
    if (i.props) {
        for (var c in i.props) {
            a[n].setProperty(c, i.props[c]);
})(window, document, {
    src: "",
    name: "msdynmkt",
    cfg: {
        ingestionKey: "Pass your ingestionKey"
window["msdynmkt"].setUser({ authId: "Pass Contact Id" });
    name: "Pass the Trigger Name",
    ingestionKey: "Pass your ingestionKey",
    version: "1.0.0",
    properties: {
        "firstname": "Add the Custom Value",
        "bindingid": "Pass Contact ID"




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