In this article, I will explain how to use Azure Media Services, using Azure. Azure has unlimited possibilities and it provides the media Services so that we are able to store, encrypt and manage etc. Media Service does not store the actual media content but it stores the metadata about the content and processing jobs.
An active Azure subscription.
Creating an AMS account
Step 1
Login to your Azure portal.
Step 2
Click New-> Web+mobile-> Media Services.
Step 3
From the Media Service dialog box, we need to configure the basic requirements given below.
- Provide an account name, the account name must be in lowercase & it should be unique.
- Select the subscription.
- Create a new resource group or use the existing resource group so that the collection of resources shares the lifecycle and the permissions with the policies and select the location of the storage.
- The location of the storage account must be selected and by selecting the geographic region to store the medias, the region stores the media content as metadata as we uploading the files.
Step 4
Click Create.
Step 5
To manage the uploading, encoding, monitoring; the process use settings.
Step 6
Now we need the account name with the primary keys information to process the media and for it, in the Media Service Window, select ->account keys. The account name with the primary and secondary key will be displayed and copy the keys to Notepad for the further use.
Step 7
Now we can upload the files into AMS. In Media Service, we can upload the files to the asset, the asset contains the audio files, video files and images etc. After uploading the content, it is stored in an Azure storage.
Step 8
In Media Service Window, select Assets and click Upload.
Step 9
Upload the files to the storage and in upload asset Window by browsing the desired file in your PC by selecting it and clicking OK.
Step 10
Afterward, the file has been uploaded and the asset Windows notifies that the file has been successfully uploaded and now we can encode the assets.
Step 11
From the encode asset Window, select Media encoder standard for encoding and after encoding the file, we can publish the asset file by providing the locator type with start and end time with the date. Afterwards, select Add.
Step 12
Now we are able to copy the URL provided by the locator details of the file, which is being stored and paste the URL in the new tab so that we are able to download the file, which we uploaded in the storage.