Overview Of Azure Media Services With Uploading A File


In this article, we will explore about creating a Media service in Azure. Before getting started let’s take an overview of Azure Media Service. The Azure Media Service is commonly referred to as a service that is used in cloud platforms which can be used to build the solutions with encoding, content protection, and broadcasting. The Azure Media Service will not store the contents of a file but it will store the metadata about the content with the required processing jobs.
The Azure Media service has the capacity of improving content discoverability and performance, and it has the ability to support the modern content distribution and it can scale delivery according to user needs. We can also improve the accuracy of the AMS video indexer by training the provided AI models with own content by using video indexer API such as Azure Media Services v3, Azure Media Services v2, Content Delivery Network, Azure Media Services Video Indexer, and Azure Media Player.
Setting Up
An Active Azure portal login subscription.
Step 1
Log-in into your Azure portal by using the following link

Select >> Create a new resource >> Media >> Media Services.
Overview Of Azure Media Services With Uploading A File
Step 2
Now we need to provide the basic requirements. To configure the basic requirements follow the steps below,
  • Provide a name for Azure Media Service in mandatory fields the account name must be in lowercase.
  • Select the subscription you are using.
  • Select the new resource group or use the existing resource group with the location of the storage.
  • Select the geographic region for storage of the media and select >> Create.
Overview Of Azure Media Services With Uploading A File
Overview Of Azure Media Services With Uploading A File
Overview Of Azure Media Services With Uploading A File
Step 3
  • Continuing to the further step,  now we can upload the files. In the Azure Media Service, we can upload the files by using upload a video. The asset is the place where all the media files will be available.
  • For that Select >> Encoding >> Upload a video.
  • Now we can upload the media files to storage, after selecting the file Select >>Ok.
Overview Of Azure Media Services With Uploading A File
Overview Of Azure Media Services With Uploading A File
Step 4
After Uploading the file to the storage, we will get a notification of the successful uploading of the file. Keep on proceeding to the next step and encode the media files from the encode asset dialog box, by Selecting >> Encode and select Media encoding pre-set the file be encoded and ready to get stream online 
Step 5
  • Now we can see the encoding of the file is done so that we can get it online.
  • Select >>publish so that the media file will be published with locator type mentioning with start time and end time
  • By copying the URL of the published file, we can use that link for streaming online or we can download the file too.
Overview Of Azure Media Services With Uploading A File
Overview Of Azure Media Services With Uploading A File


In this article, we have explored creating Azure Media Service and uploaded a media file to the storage by encoding. I hope this article will be useful to you. Thanks for reading.