This is a simple CRUD(Create, Retrieve, Update, and Delete) database record desktop application. Its name is Student Management System. A record with Student’s FirstName, LastName, ContactNo, City, State, and date of birth are inserted into a table named student_master in the student database. MySQL Database Server. Python 3.6, Tkinter, GUI builder, and MySQL-connector are used. For choosing the date of birth, the tkcalendar widget is used. Installation of the tkcalender widget from the command prompt is displayed below.
The name of the Python code file is After executing the file, the application window is displayed below. In that window, a new student record can be added. All the added records in MySQL database table are displayed in a Tkinter Treeview widget, shown below.
All the student data is filled up and the date of birth is chosen from a drop-down calendar widget, as shown below, and the register button is clicked to add the record to the database.
The Student Record is inserted successfully and displayed below.
If the inserted record state name is spelled wrong or we want to change the date of birth, the record must be updated. Please select the record in the displayed widget by clicking it. All data is displayed in the above boxes to update and delete the record.
Please edit the fields displayed in boxes and update them by clicking the Update button.
A student record can be searched by entering roll no and clicking the search button as shown above.
To display all records, please click the Show All button.
To Delete a record, select the record in the display widget and click the delete button. Code
- from tkcalendar import Calendar, DateEntry
- import tkinter as tk
- import tkinter.messagebox as mb
- import tkinter.ttk as ttk
- import mysql.connector
- db_connection = mysql.connector.connect(
- host="localhost",
- user="raichand70",
- password="1America")
- db_cursor = db_connection.cursor(buffered=True)
- class StudentApp(tk.Tk):
- def __init__(self):
- super().__init__()
- self.title("Student Management System")
- self.geometry("800x650+351+174")
- self.lblTitle = tk.Label(self, text="Student Management System", font=("Helvetica", 16), bg="yellow", fg="green")
- self.lblFName = tk.Label(self, text="Enter FirstName:", font=("Helvetica", 10), bg="blue", fg="yellow")
- self.lblLName = tk.Label(self, text="Enter LastName:", font=("Helvetica", 10), bg="blue", fg="yellow")
- self.lblContactNo = tk.Label(self, text="Enter Contact No:", font=("Helvetica", 10), bg="blue", fg="yellow")
- self.lblCity = tk.Label(self, text="Enter City:", font=("Helvetica", 10), bg="blue", fg="yellow")
- self.lblState = tk.Label(self, text="Enter State:", font=("Helvetica", 10), bg="blue", fg="yellow")
- self.lblDOB = tk.Label(self, text="Choose Date of Birth:", font=("Helvetica", 10), bg="blue", fg="yellow")
- self.lblSelect = tk.Label(self, text="Please select one record below to update or delete", font=("Helvetica", 10), bg="blue", fg="yellow")
- self.lblSearch = tk.Label(self, text="Please Enter Roll No:",font=("Helvetica", 10), bg="blue", fg="yellow")
- self.entFName = tk.Entry(self)
- self.entLName = tk.Entry(self)
- self.entContact = tk.Entry(self)
- self.entCity = tk.Entry(self)
- self.entState = tk.Entry(self)
- self.calDOB = DateEntry(self, width=12, background='darkblue',
- foreground='white', borderwidth=2, year=1950,locale='en_US', date_pattern='y-mm-dd')
- self.entSearch = tk.Entry(self)
- self.btn_register = tk.Button(self, text="Register", font=("Helvetica", 11), bg="yellow", fg="blue",
- command=self.register_student)
- self.btn_update = tk.Button(self,text="Update",font=("Helvetica",11),bg="yellow", fg="blue",command=self.update_student_data)
- self.btn_delete = tk.Button(self, text="Delete", font=("Helvetica", 11), bg="yellow", fg="blue",
- command=self.delete_student_data)
- self.btn_clear = tk.Button(self, text="Clear", font=("Helvetica", 11), bg="yellow", fg="blue",
- command=self.clear_form)
- self.btn_show_all = tk.Button(self, text="Show All", font=("Helvetica", 11), bg="yellow", fg="blue",
- command=self.load_student_data)
- self.btn_search = tk.Button(self, text="Search", font=("Helvetica", 11), bg="yellow", fg="blue",
- command=self.show_search_record)
- self.btn_exit = tk.Button(self, text="Exit", font=("Helvetica", 16), bg="yellow", fg="blue",command=self.exit)
- columns = ("#1", "#2", "#3", "#4", "#5", "#6", "#7")
- self.tvStudent= ttk.Treeview(self,show="headings",height="5", columns=columns)
- self.tvStudent.heading('#1', text='RollNo', anchor='center')
- self.tvStudent.column('#1', width=60, anchor='center', stretch=False)
- self.tvStudent.heading('#2', text='FirstName', anchor='center')
- self.tvStudent.column('#2', width=10, anchor='center', stretch=True)
- self.tvStudent.heading('#3', text='LastName', anchor='center')
- self.tvStudent.column('#3',width=10, anchor='center', stretch=True)
- self.tvStudent.heading('#4', text='City', anchor='center')
- self.tvStudent.column('#4',width=10, anchor='center', stretch=True)
- self.tvStudent.heading('#5', text='State', anchor='center')
- self.tvStudent.column('#5',width=10, anchor='center', stretch=True)
- self.tvStudent.heading('#6', text='PhoneNumber', anchor='center')
- self.tvStudent.column('#6', width=10, anchor='center', stretch=True)
- self.tvStudent.heading('#7', text='Date of Birth', anchor='center')
- self.tvStudent.column('#7', width=10, anchor='center', stretch=True)
- vsb= ttk.Scrollbar(self, orient=tk.VERTICAL,command=self.tvStudent.yview)
- + 640 + 1, y=310, height=180 + 20)
- self.tvStudent.configure(yscroll=vsb.set)
- hsb = ttk.Scrollbar(self, orient=tk.HORIZONTAL, command=self.tvStudent.xview)
- , y=310+200+1, width=620 + 20)
- self.tvStudent.configure(xscroll=hsb.set)
- self.tvStudent.bind("<<TreeviewSelect>>", self.show_selected_record)
-, y=30, height=27, width=300)
-, y=70, height=23, width=100)
-, y=100, height=23, width=100)
-, y=129, height=23, width=104)
-, y=158, height=23, width=65)
-, y=187, height=23, width=71)
-, y=217, height=23, width=128)
-, y=280, height=23, width=400)
-, y=560, height=23, width=134)
-, y=72, height=21, width=186)
-, y=100, height=21, width=186)
-, y=129, height=21, width=186)
-, y=158, height=21, width=186)
-, y=188, height=21, width=186)
-, y=218, height=21, width=186)
-, y=560, height=21, width=186)
-, y=245, height=25, width=76)
-, y=245, height=25, width=76)
-, y=245, height=25, width=76)
-, y=245, height=25, width=76)
-, y=245, height=25, width=76)
-, y=558, height=26, width=60)
-, y=610, height=31, width=60)
-, y=310, height=200, width=640)
- self.create_table()
- self.load_student_data()
- def clear_form(self):
- self.entFName.delete(0, tk.END)
- self.entLName.delete(0, tk.END)
- self.entContact.delete(0, tk.END)
- self.entCity.delete(0, tk.END)
- self.entState.delete(0, tk.END)
- self.calDOB.delete(0, tk.END)
- def exit(self):
- MsgBox = mb.askquestion('Exit Application', 'Are you sure you want to exit the application', icon='warning')
- if MsgBox == 'yes':
- self.destroy()
- def delete_student_data(self):
- MsgBox = mb.askquestion('Delete Record', 'Are you sure! you want to delete selected student record', icon='warning')
- if MsgBox == 'yes':
- if db_connection.is_connected() == False:
- db_connection.connect()
- db_cursor.execute("use Student")
- Delete = "delete from student_master where RollNo='%s'" % (roll_no)
- db_cursor.execute(Delete)
- db_connection.commit()
- mb.showinfo("Information", "Student Record Deleted Succssfully")
- self.load_student_data()
- self.entFName.delete(0, tk.END)
- self.entLName.delete(0, tk.END)
- self.entContact .delete(0, tk.END)
- self.entCity.delete(0, tk.END)
- self.entState.delete(0, tk.END)
- self.calDOB.delete(0, tk.END)
- def create_table(self):
- if db_connection.is_connected() == False:
- db_connection.connect()
- db_cursor.execute("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS Student")
- db_cursor.execute("use Student")
- db_cursor.execute("create table if not exists Student_master(Id INT(10) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT,rollno INT(15),fname VARCHAR(30),lname VARCHAR(30),city VARCHAR(20),state VARCHAR(30),mobileno VARCHAR(10),dob date)AUTO_INCREMENT=1")
- db_connection.commit()
- def register_student(self):
- if db_connection.is_connected() == False:
- db_connection.connect()
- fname = self.entFName.get()
- lname = self.entLName.get()
- contact_no = self.entContact.get()
- city = self.entCity.get()
- state = self.entState.get()
- dob = self.calDOB.get()
- if fname == "":
- mb.showinfo('Information', "Please Enter Firstname")
- self.entFName.focus_set()
- return
- if lname == "":
- mb.showinfo('Information', "Please Enter Lastname")
- self.entLName.focus_set()
- return
- if contact_no == "":
- mb.showinfo('Information', "Please Enter Contact Number")
- self.entContact.focus_set()
- return
- if city == "":
- mb.showinfo('Information', "Please Enter City Name")
- self.entCity.focus_set()
- return
- if state == "":
- mb.showinfo('Information', "Please Enter State Name")
- self.entState.focus_set()
- return
- if dob == "":
- mb.showinfo('Information', "Please Choose Date of Birth")
- self.calDOB.focus_set()
- return
- try:
- rollno =int(self.fetch_max_roll_no())
- print("New Student Id: " + str(rollno))
- query2 = "INSERT INTO student_master (rollno, fname,lname,city,state,mobileno,dob) VALUES (%s, %s,%s, %s,%s, %s, %s)"
- db_cursor.execute(query2, (rollno, fname, lname, city, state, contact_no,dob))
- mb.showinfo('Information', "Student Registration Successfully")
- db_connection.commit()
- self.load_student_data()
- except mysql.connector.Error as err:
- print(err)
- db_connection.rollback()
- mb.showinfo('Information', "Data insertion failed!!!")
- finally:
- db_connection.close()
- def fetch_max_roll_no(self):
- if db_connection.is_connected() == False:
- db_connection.connect()
- db_cursor.execute("use Student")
- rollno = 0
- query1 = "SELECT rollno FROM student_master order by id DESC LIMIT 1"
- db_cursor.execute(query1)
- print("No of Record Fetched:" + str(db_cursor.rowcount))
- if db_cursor.rowcount == 0:
- rollno = 1
- else:
- rows = db_cursor.fetchall()
- for row in rows:
- rollno = row[0]
- rollno = rollno + 1
- print("Max Student Id: " + str(rollno))
- return rollno
- def show_search_record(self):
- if db_connection.is_connected() == False:
- db_connection.connect()
- s_roll_no = self.entSearch.get()
- print(s_roll_no)
- if s_roll_no == "":
- mb.showinfo('Information', "Please Enter Student Roll")
- self.entSearch.focus_set()
- return
- self.tvStudent.delete(*self.tvStudent.get_children())
- db_cursor.execute("use Student")
- sql = "SELECT rollno,fname,lname,city,state,mobileno,date_format(dob,'%d-%m-%Y') FROM student_master where rollno='" + s_roll_no + "'"
- db_cursor.execute(sql)
- total = db_cursor.rowcount
- print("Total Data Entries:" + str(total))
- rows = db_cursor.fetchall()
- RollNo = ""
- First_Name = ""
- Last_Name = ""
- City = ""
- State = ""
- Phone_Number = ""
- DOB =""
- for row in rows:
- RollNo = row[0]
- First_Name = row[1]
- Last_Name = row[2]
- City = row[3]
- State = row[4]
- Phone_Number = row[5]
- DOB = row[6]
- print( Phone_Number)
- self.tvStudent.insert("", 'end', text=RollNo, values=(RollNo, First_Name, Last_Name, City, State, Phone_Number,DOB))
- def show_selected_record(self, event):
- self.clear_form()
- for selection in self.tvStudent.selection():
- item = self.tvStudent.item(selection)
- global roll_no
- roll_no,first_name,last_name,city,state,contact_no,dob = item["values"][0:7]
- self.entFName.insert(0, first_name)
- self.entLName.insert(0, last_name)
- self.entCity.insert(0, city)
- self.entState .insert(0, state)
- self.entContact.insert(0, contact_no)
- self.calDOB.insert(0, dob)
- return roll_no
- def update_student_data(self):
- if db_connection.is_connected() == False:
- db_connection.connect()
- print("Updating")
- db_cursor.execute("use Student")
- First_Name = self.entFName.get()
- Last_Name = self.entLName.get()
- Phone_Number = self.entContact.get()
- City = self.entCity.get()
- State = self.entState.get()
- DOB = self.calDOB.get()
- print( roll_no)
- Update = "Update student_master set fname='%s', lname='%s', mobileno='%s', city='%s', state='%s', dob='%s' where rollno='%s'" % (
- First_Name, Last_Name, Phone_Number, City, State,DOB, roll_no)
- db_cursor.execute(Update)
- db_connection.commit()
- mb.showinfo("Info", "Selected Student Record Updated Successfully ")
- self.load_student_data()
- def load_student_data(self):
- if db_connection.is_connected() == False:
- db_connection.connect()
- self.calDOB.delete(0, tk.END)
- self.tvStudent.delete(*self.tvStudent.get_children())
- db_cursor.execute("use Student")
- sql = "SELECT rollno,fname,lname,city,state,mobileno,date_format(dob,'%d-%m-%Y') FROM student_master"
- db_cursor.execute(sql)
- total = db_cursor.rowcount
- print("Total Data Entries:" + str(total))
- rows = db_cursor.fetchall()
- RollNo = ""
- First_Name = ""
- Last_Name = ""
- City = ""
- State = ""
- Phone_Number = ""
- DOB =""
- for row in rows:
- RollNo = row[0]
- First_Name = row[1]
- Last_Name = row[2]
- City = row[3]
- State = row[4]
- Phone_Number = row[5]
- DOB = row[6]
- self.tvStudent.insert("", 'end', text=RollNo, values=(RollNo, First_Name, Last_Name, City, State, Phone_Number,DOB))
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- app = StudentApp()
- app.mainloop()
- Tkinter GUI application development cookbook by Alejandro Rodas de Paz of Packt Publications
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