Azure Automation: Create An Azure Automation And Azure Run Book - Part One


  • Azure account.
Now, let's get started with the following steps:

Azure Automation

Microsoft Azure Automation offers a way for users to automate the manual, long-running, error-prone, and frequently repeated tasks that are generally performed in a cloud and enterprise environment. It saves time and increases the reliability of regular administrative tasks and even schedules them to be automatically performed at regular intervals. We can automate the processes using Runbook or automate configuration management, using Desired State Configuration.

Azure Runbooks

A Runbook is a set of tasks that executes some automated process in Azure Automation. It may be a simple process, such as, starting a VM, and creating a log entry, or we may have a complex Runbook that combines other smaller Runbooks to perform a complex process across multiple resources or even multiple clouds and on premise environments.

Create new Automation Account

Step 1: Sign in to the online Microsoft Azure Portal.

Step 2: Select Automation Account from the list.
Automation Account

Step 3:
Next, on the Automation Account blade, select Add Option.

Add Option.

Step 4:
Then, in the Add Automation Account blade, we enter the Runbook Name for the new lab. Select the subscription to associate with the lab and select a location where we store the Runbook. Finally, click the Create button.


After sometime, we will get Azure Automaton Account details in the Azure portal.

Azure portal

Create new Runbook

Step 5: Click on the Runbooks tile to open the list of Runbooks.


Step 6:
Create a new Runbook by clicking on the Add a Runbook button.

runbook button

Step 7: Then, select Create a new runbook.

Create a new runbook

Step 8:
Now, we give this Runbook a name and select Graphical for Runbook type. Finally, click Create to create the Runbook.


Now, we will get the Runbook Graphical editor.

 book graphical editor

In this article, we discussed how to create Automation Account and Azure Runbook.