In this article, we will see how to create a Visio Process Repository Site Collection in Office 365 SharePoint online site. This type of site template is used for viewing, sharing, and storing Visio Process diagrams. It contains a versioned document library and templates for Basic Flowcharts, BPMN diagrams.
- Sign in to Office 365 using your global administrator account.
- In the Office 365 Admin Center, choose Admin > SharePoint so as to go to the SharePoint Admin Center.
- In the "Site Collections" tab, click New, and then click Private Site Collection.
New Site Collection pop up will come up. Just provide all the require information into each appropriate section. Below are the listed sections.
- Title
Type a name for the Visio Process Repository site collection. Here, I entered Sumit_Visio Process Repository.
- Web Site Address
To create a new site collection, select a domain name in the dropdown list. Also. you can use /sites/or specify any managed path and type URL name for the Visio Process Repository.
- Template Selection
Select a language for the site collection and under the select a template, choose Enterprise template which contains Visio Process Repository.
- Time Zone
Select your time zone from the dropdown list.
- Administrator
Enter the name of a person or user who will be the site collection administrator for the Visio Process Repository. You can click "Check Names" or "Browse" to find a person.
- Server Resource Quota
You can keep the default value of 300 for the Visio Process Repository site collection or can enter the size of resources (MB) that we want to allocate to this site collection.
- Finally, click OK to create the new site collection.
- The below image shows the complete information of provided information to create new site collection.
After several minutes, the new Visio Process Repository collection is appeared in the list of site collections.
Great! Your new Visio Process Repository site is ready to work.
Any feedback or suggestions are always welcome. Happy SharePointing!!!