Hello guys.
In this article, we are creating an app, and this is the first part of the Covid-19 App. In this app we have the following pages.
- Global
- Home
- Covid-19 Search Countries
- About us
- CovidTabbedPage
Idea: During the COVID pandemic situation all over the world, I got an idea to develop an app which tracks records of the cases by counties and also show safety measures.
In this article, we have a COVID-19 App Global Page and Home Page, In the home page, we add a carousel view and cell view for showing the COVID-19 global data.
I am not going to describe the basic project setup steps here.
So let's design......
In this Global page, we add one carousel and show the global data of COVID-19 like Total Cases, Total Recovery, Total Deaths and Total Active.
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- </ContentPage>
Now we are creating the ViewModel for the binding the data with a view.
Home Report
In this Home page, we add the redirecting button for the social app (MyGov Corona) and show the home country (India) data of COVID-19 like Total Cases, Total Recovery, Total Deaths and Total Active.
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- FontSize="25"
- Text="What is Covid-19?"
- TextColor="White" />
- <Label
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- Grid.Column="0"
- FontFamily="OpenSansRegular"
- FontSize="15"
- HorizontalOptions="StartAndExpand"
- Text="COVID-19 is the infectious disease caused by the most recently discovered corona virus. This new virus and disease were unknown before the outbreak began in Wuhan, China, in December 2019."
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- Glyph={x:Static helper:IconFont.Whatsapp},
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- Command="{Binding MessengerCommand}"
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- HorizontalOptions="EndAndExpand"
- ImageSource="{FontImage FontFamily=FontAwesome,
- Glyph={x:Static helper:IconFont.FacebookMessenger},
- Size=30,
- Color='#1B7ACD'}" />
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- Grid.Column="2"
- BackgroundColor="White"
- Command="{Binding TelegramCommand}"
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- HorizontalOptions="EndAndExpand"
- ImageSource="{FontImage FontFamily=FontAwesome,
- Glyph={x:Static helper:IconFont.Telegram},
- Size=30,
- Color='#64B5F6'}" />
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- Grid.Column="3"
- BackgroundColor="White"
- Command="{Binding InstagramCommand}"
- CornerRadius="25"
- HorizontalOptions="EndAndExpand"
- ImageSource="{FontImage FontFamily=FontAwesome,
- Glyph={x:Static helper:IconFont.Instagram},
- Size=30,
- Color='#E74265'}" />
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- Command="{Binding FBCommand}"
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- HorizontalOptions="EndAndExpand"
- ImageSource="{FontImage FontFamily=FontAwesome,
- Glyph={x:Static helper:IconFont.Facebook},
- Size=30,
- Color='#2E4780'}" />
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- Text="Total Cases"
- TextColor="#EEA445" />
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- Style="{StaticResource MediumLabelStyle}"
- Text="{Binding Country.cases, StringFormat='{0:N0}'}"
- TextColor="#EEA445" />
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- Source="{local:ImageResource Covid19.Resources.covid19.png}"
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- Grid.Column="0"
- Style="{StaticResource SmallLabelStyle}"
- Text="Total Recover"
- TextColor="#1FD34E" />
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- Grid.Column="0"
- Style="{StaticResource MediumLabelStyle}"
- Text="{Binding Country.recovered, StringFormat='{0:N0}'}"
- TextColor="#1FD34E" />
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- Glyph={x:Static helper:IconFont.Heart},
- Size=40,
- Color='#21CF55'}"
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- WidthRequest="35" />
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- Grid.Row="0"
- Grid.Column="0"
- Style="{StaticResource SmallLabelStyle}"
- Text="Total Deaths"
- TextColor="#EF3936" />
- <Label
- Grid.Row="1"
- Grid.Column="0"
- Style="{StaticResource MediumLabelStyle}"
- Text="{Binding Country.deaths, StringFormat='{0:N0}'}"
- TextColor="#EF3936" />
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- Aspect="AspectFit"
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- iOS=18}"
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- IsEnabled="False"
- Source="{FontImage FontFamily=FontAwesome,
- Glyph={x:Static helper:IconFont.Close},
- Size=40,
- Color=Red}"
- VerticalOptions="EndAndExpand"
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- <Label
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- Grid.Column="0"
- Style="{StaticResource SmallLabelStyle}"
- Text="Active Cases"
- TextColor="#0A7FF3" />
- <Label
- Grid.Row="1"
- Grid.Column="0"
- Style="{StaticResource MediumLabelStyle}"
- Text="{Binding Country.active, StringFormat='{0:N0}'}"
- TextColor="#0A7FF3" />
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- Aspect="AspectFit"
- BackgroundColor="#CFE3FC"
- BorderColor="#0A7FF3"
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- iOS=18}"
- HeightRequest="35"
- HorizontalOptions="End"
- IsEnabled="False"
- Source="{local:ImageResource Covid19.Resources.active.png}"
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- WidthRequest="35" />
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- </ScrollView>
- </ContentPage.Content>
- </ContentPage>
Now we are creating the ViewModel(HomeViewModel) and binding the data with a view.
- public class HomeViewModel:BaseViewModel
- {
- public HomeViewModel { }
- #region Properties
- private CountryModel country;
- public CountryModel Country
- {
- get { return country; }
- set {country = value; RaisePropertyChanged(() => Country); }
- }
- #endregion
- #region Commands
- public Command WhatsAppCommand => new Command(() => Device.OpenUri(new Uri("https://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=919013353535")));
- public Command TelegramCommand => new Command(() => Device.OpenUri(new Uri("tg://resolve?domain=MyGovCoronaNewsdesk")));
- public Command InstagramCommand => new Command(() => Device.OpenUri(new Uri("instagram://user?username=mygovindia")));
- public Command FBCommand => new Command(() => Device.OpenUri(new Uri("fb://group/224193992332793")));
- public Command MessengerCommand => new Command(() => Device.OpenUri(new Uri("http://m.me/MyGovIndia")));
- #endregion
- }
That's it for this article, we will cover more in the next article.