What is Stepper Motor
Stepper Motor is the DC motor so it moves in discrete steps. It can have many different sizes, speed controls, and positioning.
Figure 1 - Stepper Motor
Parts Of Lists
Motor Shield
The Arduino Motor Shield is used to connect the full-bridge drive to the circuit. It is fully made up of 2 DC motors and includes load as the relay and stepper motor solenoids. We can also measure the current of the motor.
Figure 2 - Motor Shield.
The battery is used to give power to the circuit, so only the circuit will work. It is also called an electronic device that produces electrochemical cells.
Figure 3 - Battery
Step 1 - Connecting the Stepper Motor to Motor Shield
In Stepper Motor, there are 5 pins and we have to connect 4 pins to the motor shield. We can leave the middle pin and connect all other 4 pins to the M3 and M4 while leaving the Gnd pin simply.