Connect Storage Explorer Using SAS Token


This article will help you learn how to connect Storage Explorer with the help of a SAS Token.

Before reading this article, please go through some important articles mentioned below,

Azure Storage

Azure Storage is one of the cloud computing PaaS (Platform as a Service) services provided by the Microsoft Azure team. It provides cloud storage that is highly available, secure, durable, scalable, and redundant. It is massively scalable and elastic. It can store and process hundreds of terabytes of data or you can store the small amounts of data required for a small business website.

Here, we will see about Storage Explorer.

About Storage Explorer

Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer is a standalone app that makes it easy to work with Azure Storage data on Windows, macOS, and Linux. It allows you to efficiently connect and manage your Azure storage service accounts and resources across subscriptions.You can create, delete, view, and edit resources in Azure Storage, Azure Cosmos DB, and Data Lake Storage.

Azure Storage Explorer is a useful GUI tool for inspecting the data in your Azure cloud storage projects including the logs of your cloud-hosted applications. You can easily connect to your subscription and manipulate your tables, blobs, queues, and files.

Connect Storage Explorer with SAS Token


  • Microsoft Azure Account.

Follow the below steps to create an Azure Storage Account.

Step 1. Log in here. Please go through the article mentioned below for creating a Storage account.

A Detailed Overview Of Azure Storage Account Creation

Connect Storage Explorer using SAS Token

Upload the blob

Upload the blob

Step 2. Click here to Download and Install Storage Explorer. Please go through the article mentioned below for creating a Storage Explorer.

Install Storage Explorer

Step 3. After installing Storage Explorer, we have to connect your storage account. Now, we are going to see how we can connect our Storage Explorer with SAS URI. You can create SAS URI at the Storage Account level as well as individual services. Click on Add Account

 Storage Explorer

Step 4. Now, choose Connection string or shared Access Signature.

 Access Signature

Step 5. Now, we can see two options are there. First, we can connect through the Connection String. Second, we can connect through SAS URI. Here, just choose the URI option. To take connection string or SAS URI we must go to Azure portal then open our storage account and click on Shared Access Signature. There you can customize your settings.

Connection String

Once we customize our settings, then Scroll down and hit Generate SAS and Connection String.

Generate SAS

Now, we can get the Connection String and SAS URL.


Step 6. First, connect our storage explorer with Connection String, then copy the connection string and paste it into Storage Explorer. Then hit Next.

Connect Storage Explorer

Step 7. Or, if we want to connect through the SAS URL, then Copy the SAS URL from Portal Paste it on Storage Explorer, and hit Next.


Step 8. Now, we can get this Connection Summary and hit Connect.

Connection summary

Step 9. Now, click on Apply.

Click on Apply


Now, we can successfully connect our storage account with SAS.

Successfully connect


I hope you understand how we can connect Storage Explorer with the SAS URL. Stay tuned for more articles on Storage Explorer.