Cascading Drop-downs in Canvas Power App

A cascading dropdown (or cascading dropdown list) is a user interface element that consists of a series of dependent dropdown menus. The options available in one dropdown are dynamically filtered based on the selection made in another dropdown. This interactivity helps users make more relevant selections and reduces errors by guiding them through a logical sequence of choices.

Scenario. Cascading Dropdowns for Country, State, and City


To create a Power Apps form that allows users to select a country, state, and city in a cascading manner, ensuring that only relevant options are displayed based on previous selections.

Step 1. Set Up SharePoint Lists

Country List

  • Name: Country
  • Columns
    • Title (Single line of text): Country Name (e.g., USA, Canada)

State List

  • Name: State
  • Columns
    • Title (Single line of text): State Name (e.g., Gujarat, Kerala)
    • Country (Lookup): Lookup column referencing Country

City List

  • Name: City
  • Columns
    • Title (Single line of text): City Name (e.g., Spandau, Ahmedabad)
    • Country (Lookup): Lookup column referencing Country
    • State (Lookup): Lookup column referencing State

Step 2. Create a New Power App

  1. Open Power Apps and create a new app (Canvas app).
  2. Add Three Dropdown Controls.
    • Rename them to DropdownCountry, DropdownState, and DropdownCity.
  3. Add the data sources ( Sharepoint and all three lists)

Step 3. Configure Dropdowns

Country Dropdown

  • Control: DropdownCountry
  • Items Property: Choices(Country.Title)
  • Label: "Select Country"
    Select Country

State Dropdown

  • Control: DropdownState
  • Items Property: Filter(State_1, Country.Value = DropdownCountry.Selected.Value)
  • Visible Property: !IsBlank(DropdownCountry.Selected.Value)
  • Label: "Select State"
    Select state

City Dropdown

  • Control: DropdownCity
  • Items Property: Filter(City, Country.Value = DropdownCountry.Selected.Value && State.Value = DropdownState.Selected.Value)
  • Visible Property: !IsBlank(DropdownState.Selected.Value)
  • Label: "Select City"
    Select City

Step 4. Save and Run the app

  • Run the App: Test the functionality by selecting a country, then a state, and finally a city.
  • Validation: Consider adding checks to ensure users cannot submit the form without selecting values from all dropdowns.
    Run the app


This setup effectively creates a cascading dropdown system in Power Apps using SharePoint lists. By following the outlined steps, users will be able to navigate through the dropdowns intuitively, ensuring that only relevant options are displayed based on their selections.

If you need further assistance or adjustments, feel free to ask!

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