As I mentioned above, we have a little data set of 10 entries. I'm posting a sample entry here so the rest of the tutorial makes sense. One entry points to a single tweet made by a sample user.
- {
- "entities": {
- "user_mentions": [
- {
- "indices": [
- 3,
- 15
- ],
- "id_str": "178253493",
- "screen_name": "mikalabrags",
- "name": "Mika Labrague",
- "id": 178253493
- }
- ],
- "urls": [],
- "hashtags": [ "#Confused" ]
- },
- "in_reply_to_screen_name": null,
- "text": "RT @mikalabrags: Bipolar weather #Confused",
- "id_str": "210621130703245313",
- "place": null,
- "retweeted_status": {
- "entities": {
- "user_mentions": [],
- "urls": [],
- "hashtags": []
- },
- "in_reply_to_screen_name": null,
- "text": "Bipolar weather",
- "id_str": "210619512855343105",
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- "retweet_count": 0,
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- "created_at": "Thu Jun 07 06:29:39 +0000 2012",
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The ANTLR grammar
The ANTLR grammar we are going to use here is,
- grammar Search;
- expr: term (op term)*;
- term: exactText | hashText | toText | fromText;
- op: AND | OR;
- toText: 'to:'ID;
- fromText: 'from:'ID;
- hashText: '#'ID;
- exactText: EXACTTEXT;
- // lexer rule
- EXACTTEXT: '"' ~'"'* '"';
- OR: 'OR';
- AND: 'AND';
- ID: [a-zA-Z_] [a-zA-Z0-9_]*;
- WS: [ \n\t\r]+ -> skip;
It's a small and simple grammar like the one we used in our scripting language tutorial. Since our REST resource query is essentially an expression, our entry rule will be
expr. The railroad diagram for
expr looks like the following.
This means we can have a single search term or multiple search terms chained by an op rule. The op rule is nothing but the two relational operator we support: AND and OR.
Along side of the op rule, we also need to know what the term rule stands for. The term rule stands for the search term format we are allowed to use. In our sample query stated above, we have terms like from:terminator, to:robocop, "I'm back" or a hashtag like #HastaLaVista. That's why we have 4 rules defining all of these cases and the term rule is a OR relationship between them.
I'm not going to post the railroad diagram for
toText, fromText, hashText and exactText rules since they are pretty self-explanatory if you have a cursory look at the grammar.
So, what are we waiting for? Let's start writing our little codebase that will parse this query string and translate it to an Azure DocumentDB SQL that we can use to fetch the tweets. For that, we need a small repository that will connect to our desired database and collection in DocumentDB and will let us fetch some items. I only added methods that will allow us to read the tweets and connect to the database. I ignored the rest since you can always have a look at those in the quick start for azure document db.
Here's our small rough database repository. Please remember to keep your endpoint and key strings somewhere secret and safe in production environment. Since this is a tutorial, I went with what is easy and fast to go for a proof of concept.
- namespace TweetQuery.Lib
- {
- using System;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.Threading.Tasks;
- using Microsoft.Azure.Documents.Client;
- using Microsoft.Azure.Documents.Linq;
- public class CosmosDBRepository<T> where T : class
- {
- private readonly string Endpoint = "";
- private readonly string Key = "fjp9Z3qKPxSOfE0KS1aaKvUY27B8IoL347sdtMBMjkCQqPmoaKjGXoyltrItNXNN6h4QjAYLSY5nyb2djWWUOQ==";
- private readonly string DatabaseId = "tweetdb";
- private readonly string CollectionId = "tweets";
- private DocumentClient client;
- public CosmosDBRepository()
- {
- client = new DocumentClient(new Uri(Endpoint), Key);
- }
- public async Task<IEnumerable<T>> GetItemsAsync(string sql)
- {
- if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sql))
- throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(sql));
- FeedOptions queryOptions = new FeedOptions { MaxItemCount = -1 };
- var query = this.client.CreateDocumentQuery<T>(
- UriFactory.CreateDocumentCollectionUri(DatabaseId, CollectionId),
- sql, queryOptions)
- .AsDocumentQuery();
- List<T> results = new List<T>();
- while (query.HasMoreResults)
- {
- results.AddRange(await query.ExecuteNextAsync<T>());
- }
- return results;
- }
- }
- }
I opted for executing an SQL query instead of a LINQ expression because constructing SQL is easier and simpler for a tutorial. Additionally, it decouples the query structure from compile time POCOs that we use as our models too.
I created a DocumentDbListener class based on the SearchBaseListener which was auto-generated from our ANTLR grammar. The sole purpose of this class is to generate a simple SQL against our search expression. To search inside nested arrays, I used a user defined function for azure document db. All of these are very crudely written, so forgive my indecency. Since this is just a tutorial, I tried to keep it as simple as possible.
- function matchArrayElement(array, match) {
- if (!Array.isArray(array)) return false;
- for (var index = 0; index < array.length; index++) {
- var element = array[index];
- if (typeof match === "object") {
- for (var key in match) {
- if (match.hasOwnProperty(key) && element.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
- var matchVal = match[key];
- var elemVal = element[key];
- return matchVal == elemVal;
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- return (element == match)
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
All this method does is it tries to find nested array elements based on the match we send back. You can achieve the same result thorough JOINs in Azure DocumentDB or Array method ARRAY_CONTAINS, but I preferred a user defined function since it serves my purpose easily.
Constructing SQL from the query expression
To understand how the SQL is generated from the query expression, let's begin with the to:UserAccount expression. Since we start with the rule expr, let's override the SearchBaseListener method EnterExpr first.
- namespace TweetSearch.CosmosDb.DocumentDb
- {
- using Antlr4.Runtime.Misc;
- using TweetSearch.CosmosDb.Util;
- public class DocumentDbListener : SearchBaseListener
- {
- private string projectionClause = "SELECT * FROM twt";
- private string whereClause;
- public string Output
- {
- get { return projectionClause + " " + whereClause; }
- }
- public override void EnterExpr([NotNull] SearchParser.ExprContext context)
- {
- this.whereClause = "WHERE";
- }
- }
- }
The approach I took here is essentially the simplest. I handle the events fired the moment ANTLR enters a specific rule and I keep appending the SQL string to the whereClause. Since, entering the expr rule means that I will need a where SQL clause, I initialized it with "WHERE". The thing to notice here is instead of concatenating I chose to initialize it because I expect this event to be fired exactly once since that is how the grammar is designed.
Following the same trail the next thing to handle will be the EnterTerm event. But, term is nothing but an OR relationship between 4 other rules. Handling them specifically gives me the edge since they produce simpler and smaller readable methods. For example, if we want to handle the to:UserAccount expression, a simple method like following should be sufficient for our use case.
- public override void EnterToText([NotNull] SearchParser.ToTextContext context)
- {
- var screenName = context.GetText().Substring(3).Enquote();
- this.whereClause = string.Concat(whereClause, " ", $"udf.matchArrayElement(twt.entities.user_mentions, {{ \"screen_name\" : {screenName} }} )");
- }
This is where our user defined function also comes in play though. I'm trying to find any tweet that has an user mention to the parsed user account I fetched from the query.
By following the same rule I completed the rest of the four rules and my full listener class looks like,
- namespace TweetSearch.CosmosDb.DocumentDb
- {
- using Antlr4.Runtime.Misc;
- using TweetSearch.CosmosDb.Util;
- public class DocumentDbListener : SearchBaseListener
- {
- private string projectionClause = "SELECT * FROM twt";
- private string whereClause;
- public string Output
- {
- get { return projectionClause + " " + whereClause; }
- }
- public override void EnterExpr([NotNull] SearchParser.ExprContext context)
- {
- this.whereClause = "WHERE";
- }
- public override void EnterFromText([NotNull] SearchParser.FromTextContext context)
- {
- var screenName = context.GetText().Substring(5).Enquote();
- this.whereClause = string.Concat(whereClause, " ", "twt.user.screen_name = ", screenName);
- }
- public override void EnterOp([NotNull] SearchParser.OpContext context)
- {
- var text = context.GetText();
- this.whereClause = string.Concat(this.whereClause, " ", text.ToUpper());
- }
- public override void EnterToText([NotNull] SearchParser.ToTextContext context)
- {
- var screenName = context.GetText().Substring(3).Enquote();
- this.whereClause = string.Concat(whereClause, " ", $"udf.matchArrayElement(twt.entities.user_mentions, {{ \"screen_name\" : {screenName} }} )");
- }
- public override void EnterHashText([NotNull] SearchParser.HashTextContext context)
- {
- var hashtag = context.GetText().Enquote();
- this.whereClause = string.Concat(whereClause, " ", $"udf.matchArrayElement(twt.entities.hashtags, {hashtag})");
- }
- public override void EnterExactText([NotNull] SearchParser.ExactTextContext context)
- {
- var text = context.GetText();
- this.whereClause = string.Concat(whereClause, " ", $"CONTAINS(twt.text, {text})");
- }
- }
- }
We got our listener ready! Now, all we need is a context class that will bootstrap the lexer and parser and tokens so the input expression is transpiled and the output SQL is generated. Just like our last work on ANTLR, the
TweetQueryContext class will look like the following,
- namespace TweetSearch.CosmosDb.DocumentDb
- {
- using Antlr4.Runtime;
- using Antlr4.Runtime.Tree;
- public class TweetQueryContext
- {
- private DocumentDbListener listener;
- public TweetQueryContext()
- {
- this.listener = new DocumentDbListener();
- }
- public SearchParser.ExprContext GenerateAST(string input)
- {
- var inputStream = new AntlrInputStream(input);
- var lexer = new SearchLexer(inputStream);
- var tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
- var parser = new SearchParser(tokens);
- parser.ErrorHandler = new BailErrorStrategy();
- return parser.expr();
- }
- public string GenerateQuery(string inputText)
- {
- var astree = this.GenerateAST(inputText);
- ParseTreeWalker.Default.Walk(listener, astree);
- return listener.Output;
- }
- }
- }
Whew! That was easy, right?
Bootstrapping the api layer
We have all we need except the api. Thanks to asp .net core, that is two clicks away. Open Visual Studio and open a .net core api project. Our TweetsController class looks like the following,
- namespace TweetQuery.Controllers
- {
- using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
- using System.Threading.Tasks;
- using TweetQuery.Lib;
- using TweetQuery.Lib.Model;
- using TweetSearch.CosmosDb.DocumentDb;
- [Route("api/[controller]")]
- public class TweetsController : Controller
- {
- private CosmosDBRepository<Tweet> repository;
- private TweetQueryContext context;
- public TweetsController(CosmosDBRepository<Tweet> repository)
- {
- this.repository = repository;
- this.context = new TweetQueryContext();
- }
- [HttpGet("search")]
- public async Task<IActionResult> Search([FromQuery] string q)
- {
- if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(q))
- return BadRequest();
- var querySql = this.context.GenerateQuery(q).Trim();
- var result = await repository.GetItemsAsync(querySql);
- return Ok(result);
- }
- }
- }
I reused the db repository we created earlier and as you see that is dependency injected in the controller which you have to configure in the ConfigureServices method in your Startup class. I'm not adding that specific code here since it is already in the sample code and doesn't belong to the scope of this tutorial. Same goes for the model class Tweet and the classes it uses inside.
Time to test!
The project is hosted here in github. I also attached it with this article. Clone or download the code from here. Build and run it from your visual studio. As a sample query try the following:
- http://localhost:5000/api/tweets/search?q=to:hatena_sugoi AND from:maeta_tw OR %23HopesUp OR "Surely June is a summer"
I url-encoded the hashtag here just to be nice on the REST client you might use. I highly suggest Postman if you don't want anything heavy.
I only took the minimalists way of using ANTLR here, you can build your own expression tree based on the auto-generated listener and can do so much more if you want.
I hope this was fun. Happy RESTing!