Hello everyone.
In this blog, we will create a sample ASP.NET MVC Core Web application and deploy it on Azure Linux VM using Docker.
- Create a new Blank Solution.
- Add new project by right-clicking on Solution file. Select ASP.NET Core Web Application.
Make sure you have dotnet core 2.1 SDK installed.
- Add a new API Controller called HomeController. We will now add new HTTP methods in this controller.
- Run the application. Navigate to https://localhost:44300/api/home/getallnames. (Localhost port number can be different). You will get an array of names as a result.
- Once your API is working fine, push your code to any Git repository. I have used VSTS using Git.
- Now our API is ready to be deployed. Let's navigate to azure.com. (You must have an Azure subscription to perform the below activities).
- Go to Virtual Machine.
- Click on Add button.
- Select Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.3
- Proceed to Next and Select your desired configurations for your VM.
- Once your VM creation is completed, navigate to your VM in the Azure portal.
- To connect to Linux VM we will need Putty. Download it from https://www.putty.org/.
- If you are getting a connectivity error, make sure you have added the inbound rules for that port.
- Install Git to clone your repository using the following command: "sudo yum install git".
- Install SCL tool: "sudo yum install scl-utils".
- Install Dotnet SDK to compile your source code: "sudo install rh-dotnet21 -y".
- Enable rh-dotnet21 so that we can run dotnet from bash . "scl enable rh-dotnet21 bash".
- Check if dotnet is installed properly or not. Run the command "dotnet --version". If dotnet is successfully installed you will get the version number.
- Make a folder called services and clone your repository inside it. ( command : "mkdir Services" )
- Once your repository is cloned, build your project using the command: "dotnet build". Make sure you are in the solution folder.
In my case, the project name is DockerDemo.
- In this path, create a Dockerfile using the command: "vi Dockerfile".
Copy and paste the below code in this Dockerfile.
- FROM microsoft / dotnet: 2.1 - sdk
- WORKDIR / app
- # Copy csproj and restore as distinct layers
- COPY.. / RUN dotnet restore
- # Copy everything else and build
- COPY.. /
- #WORKDIR / app / DockerDemo
- RUN dotnet publish - c Release - o out
- WORKDIR / app / ToDoWebApi / out
- ENTRYPOINT["dotnet", "ToDoWebApi.dll"]
- Next, we need to execute following commands to setup our Docker.
Installing Docker using command
yum install docker
Start Docker service so we can use it
service docker start
- Once we have installed docker, let's use Docker to build our project.
Command: "docker build -t dockerdemo."
If your project is successfully built, docker will create an image for it.
- Now, let's run our image using the command: docker run -d -p 8080:80 --name myapp dockerdemo.
Here we are saying docker that run our dockerdemo image at port 8080 with container name myapp.
- If you want to see all the running containers, "docker ps",
"docker ps -a" will show you all the container which ran earlier.
- So now your WebApi is UP and Running. Let check whether APIs are working as expected or not. Type "curl <port>/api/values". In my case, "curl"
This is too much manual work, in the next blog, we will try to automate things.
Feel free to share your feedback.
Thank you for reading.