Azure DevTest Labs Overview

Introduction to Azure DevTest Labs

DevTest Labs is a fast, easy, and lean development testing environment for testing an application. The advantages of using DevTest Labs are described below:

  • Quickly provision the development and test environments.

  • Minimizes waste with quotas and policies

  • Sets automated shutdowns to cut the costs

  • Creates a Virtual Machine just within a few clicks with reusable templates

  • Quickly uses Virtual Machines from pre-created images

  • Works in both, Windows and Linux environments.

To work with DevTest Labs, you need to have an Azure account. If you're new to Azure, I recommend reading Introduction to Microsoft Azure

Azure DevTest Pricing
  • No upfront cost
  • No termination fees
  • Pay only for what you use.
  • Per hour Billing


  • Windows Azure

Step 1- Log into Azure portal by providing username and password

Step 2- Click browse option and find “Azure DevTest Labx” and click OK.

Step 3- Click Add option in DevTest Labs window. If you don’t see your subscription, you can refresh the page by clicking refresh button.


Step 4- In the DevTest Labs creation wizard, provide the following mandatory fields.

  • Lab name – Any name for easy identification.
  • Select your subscription – Here, my subscription is Visual Studio Enterprise.
  •  Location and storage type.


 Now, click on Create button.

Step 5 - Finally, it takes some time on Azure Management Portal before the message, “Deployed Successfully", is displayed. Now, open the DevTest Labs from Resource Manager. The following window appears.

Summery - In this article, we learned how to create and deploy Azure DevTest Labs using Azure environment.