Azure DevOps: Create Organization, Project, Commit .NET Solution


The article outlines the process of establishing an Azure DevOps Organization and Azure DevOps Project, followed by committing a .NET Solution Project into Azure DevOps. The first step involves setting up the Azure DevOps Organization, providing a foundation for collaborative software development and project management. The article guides readers through the creation of an Azure DevOps Project, emphasizing the importance of defining project parameters and settings to align with development goals.

Once the organizational and project structures are in place, the article delves into the process of committing a .NET Solution Project into Azure DevOps. This entails integrating version control for source code management and collaborative development. The article walks through the steps of connecting the .NET Solution Project to Azure DevOps, emphasizing best practices for versioning and code collaboration.

Overall, the article serves as a comprehensive guide for developers looking to establish an effective development environment using Azure DevOps. By providing clear instructions on organization and project creation, coupled with practical insights on committing to a .NET Solution Project, the article empowers developers to streamline their workflow and leverage the full potential of Azure DevOps for successful software development projects.

Create New Organization

Create New Organization


Sign in

Create New Project

Create New Project

Get started

Project Created Successfully

Project Created

The project

Initialize the Repository

Initialize the Repository

 Azure DevOps file

Clone the Repository

Clone the Repository 

Clone Repository 

Clone the Repository 3

Open CMD

Open CMD


GIT Clone

GIT Clone

Provide Credentials for Visual Studio Authorization

Visual Studio Authorization

Visual Studio

Project Repository has been downloaded

Project Repository

Project folder

Now Create a Simple Web API Project or any other Project you wish to upload to the Azure DevOps Repository

Simple Web API Project

Configuring project

Additional Information

The project was successfully created. So, browse

project was successfully created

Simple Web API


Past the Source Code into the Git Repo directory

 Git Repo directory

Double-click and open the solution file

Open solution file

Solution Explorer

Click on Git Changes

Git Changes

Click Configure

Click Configure

Provide Git User Information

Git User Information

You can check and view all commits

View all commits

Commit Staged and Push

Commit Staged

Git changes

Now finally commit all and push

Successfully pushed

Now you can see the commit has been shown

 See the commit

Finally, files have been uploaded into Azure DevOps

Azure DevOps


Now you can see the project solution files are physically available in Azure DevOps


This step-by-step guide meticulously walks developers through the process of creating an Azure DevOps Organization, establishing a new project, and seamlessly committing a .NET Solution Project into Azure DevOps. By providing a detailed overview of each stage, from initializing the repository to the final commit and push, the article ensures that developers have a comprehensive understanding of the entire workflow.

The article not only emphasizes the importance of setting up organizational and project structures but also guides developers through the integration of version control, a crucial aspect of collaborative software development. The practical insights shared in this guide, such as configuring Git, providing user information, and checking and viewing commits, contribute to a well-rounded understanding of the Azure DevOps platform.

By following the outlined steps, developers can confidently navigate through the process of creating and managing projects within Azure DevOps, ultimately empowering them to optimize their development environment. The ability to seamlessly commit and push .NET Solution Projects demonstrates the effectiveness of Azure DevOps in facilitating efficient code collaboration and version control. In essence, this article serves as a valuable resource for developers seeking to harness the full potential of Azure DevOps for successful and streamlined software development projects.

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