Azure Application Insights Resources (Classic And Workspace-Based)


Microsoft Azure Application Insights Resources provides managed resources services.

Azure Application Insights

The Application Performance Management (APM) service for web developers supports multiple platforms, mainly application insights used to monitor the live web applications, automatically detecting the performance.
The advanced data analytics tools help in diagnosing the appliance issues raised. One can understand what users do together with your app and what's needed to enhance the app with better performance and increased usability. It supports a wide variety of platforms including on and - off-premises,  on the  cloud, and it integrates with your internal DevOps process.

Create an Application Insights resource (classic)

Sign into the Azure portal. (Your Azure subscription), then go to the click on the Azure portal menu, then click Create a resource option. Create an Application Insights resource.
Azure Application Insights Resources (Classic And Workspace-Based) 
Then, configure the settings for the Application Insights. If you select the new or existing Resource Group, enter the unique value Name, Region, and select Resource Mode (classic).
Then select Review + create.
Azure Application Insights Resources (Classic And Workspace-Based)
After creating the app, open a new pane. This pane displays performance and usage data about your monitored application.
The instrumentation key identifies the resource to associate telemetry data with. And you need to copy the instrumentation key and add it to the application's code.
Azure Application Insights Resources (Classic And Workspace-Based)
When selecting Resource Mode (workspace-based).
These resources support full integration between Application Insights and Log Analytics. If you can, select a new or existing Log Analytics Workspace.
A Log Analytics workspace may be a unique environment for Azure Monitor log data.
Each workspace has its own data repository and configuration, and data sources and solutions are configured to store their data during a workspace.
Azure Application Insights Resources (Classic And Workspace-Based)
Then select Review + create.
Then open overview. Clicking the blue link text will take to the associated Log Analytics workspace where you can take advantage of the new unified workspace query environment.
Azure Application Insights Resources (Classic And Workspace-Based)


In this article, we saw how to create Azure Application Insights Resources. In my next article, I will cover the next step of this series.

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