Automating Code Deployment With Github And Azure

Today we are going to learn how to deploy an ASP.NET Core application in Azure automatically from a Github repository.




  • Git installed + GitHub account
  • Visual Studio 2015 Update 4 or higher (DotNet Core installed)
  • Azure Subscription (create a free Azure account)

Creating an ASP.NET Core application

Let’s create a simple ASP.NET Core app using Visual Studio so we can deploy it in Azure.

  1. Open Visual Studio and go to File-> New Project -> Visual C# -> Web then choose NET Core application (.Net Core Framework).

    ASP.NET Core

  2. Choose the Web Application template

    ASP.NET Core

  3. Let’s make some changes in chtmlfile (Views/Home/Index.cshtml)

    ASP.NET Core

Uploading the project to GitHub

Now let’s create a new GitHub repository to upload our project.

  1. Go to Github and create new repository

    ASP.NET Core

  2. Open the command line and go to the project directory
  3. Type git init
  4. then, git add .to add all the project files
  5. git commit -m “First commit”
  6. git remote add origin it to your repository)
  7. git push -u origin master

Now our project has been uploaded to GitHub. You can refresh the the repository page to check if the project has been uploaded successfully.

Creating Azure Web Application

Now we should create an Azure Web Application to host our project.

  1. Go to and create new Azure Web App.

    ASP.NET Core

  2. Now let’s give it a name and fill out the form and click the Create button

    ASP.NET Core

  3. Wait until Azure is completing the creation of our application
  4. Go to Deployment Options

    ASP.NET Core

  5. Choose Github as a source, you can choose any other source such as One Drive, Dropboxor Bitbucket.

    ASP.NET Core

  6. Authorize Azure to use your Github account by entering your Github account credentials

    ASP.NET Core

  7. Choose the project repository

    ASP.NET Core

  8. Choose the branch, in this case we have only one branch (master)

    ASP.NET Core

  9. Now Azure is building your project to deploy it

    ASP.NET Core

    ASP.NET Core

Voilà, our application has been deplyed in Azure automatically from our Github repository, every time we make a new commit to our repository, Azure will take the latest version from the master branch and deploy it.



Check out the video to understand more about automating code deployment with Github and Azure.

That’s all for this article, I hope that you have learned something new. Feel free to contact me if there are any questions.