To automate the testing of a .NET Core API project, you can use a testing framework such as NUnit or xUnit, which are popular for .NET Core projects.
Here are some steps to get started,
- Add a separate project to your solution for your tests.
- Install the testing framework of your choice (e.g., NUnit, xUnit) using the NuGet Package Manager.
- Write test cases for your API endpoints, including positive and negative scenarios.
- Use the testing framework's assertions to ensure the API endpoints return the expected results.
- Run the tests using the testing framework's test runner, which can be done from the command line or within Visual Studio.
- Refine your tests as needed to cover more scenarios and edge cases.
Here's an example of a simple test using NUnit that checks that the API's "GetAll" endpoint returns a 200 OK status code:
using System;
using System.Net;
using NUnit.Framework;
public class ApiTests
public void TestGetAll()
var client = new WebClient();
var result = client.DownloadString("http://localhost:5000/api/items");
Assert.That(result, Is.Not.Null);
Assert.That(result, Is.Not.Empty);
Assert.That(client.ResponseHeaders["Content-Type"], Is.EqualTo("application/json; charset=utf-8"));
Assert.That(client.ResponseHeaders["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"], Is.EqualTo("*"));
Assert.That(client.ResponseHeaders["Access-Control-Allow-Methods"], Is.EqualTo("GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS"));
Assert.That(client.ResponseHeaders["Access-Control-Allow-Headers"], Is.EqualTo("Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept"));
Assert.That(client.ResponseHeaders["Access-Control-Expose-Headers"], Is.EqualTo("X-Pagination"));
Assert.That(client.ResponseHeaders["Access-Control-Max-Age"], Is.EqualTo("600"));
Assert.That(client.ResponseHeaders["X-Pagination-Total-Count"], Is.EqualTo("3"));
Assert.That(client.ResponseHeaders["X-Pagination-Total-Pages"], Is.EqualTo("1"));
Assert.That(client.ResponseHeaders["X-Pagination-Current-Page"], Is.EqualTo("1"));
Assert.That(client.ResponseHeaders["X-Pagination-Page-Size"], Is.EqualTo("10"));
This test uses the WebClient class to make a GET request to the API's "/api/items" endpoint and then checks that the response includes the expected items and the expected HTTP headers. This is just one example of a test you could write, and you'll likely want to write more tests to cover more scenarios.