In this article, I have explained how to create and configure App Services using Microsoft Windows Azure.
App Service is a Platform-as-a-Services (PaaS) offering of Microsoft Azure. that can be used to -
- Create web and mobile apps for any platform or device.
- Integrate your apps with Solutions-as-a-Services SaaS solutions
- Connect with on-premises applications, and automate your business processes.
Azure runs your apps on fully managed virtual machines (VMs) with your choice of shared VM resources or dedicated VMs.
VM – Virtual Machine
App Services Types
- Web - Hosting websites and web applications
- Mobile – Hosting mobile app backends
- API - Hosting RESTFUL Services
- Logic Apps – Automating business process, Integrating Systems, and data across cloud without writing code.
Now, lets’ s go and create a web app using Azure portal.
Log into your Azure subscription using your live email.
Navigate to the App Services.
Click "Add" to create a new web app.
Click "Web app template" on the page.
Lots of templates are available here; ex - WordPress, Web app + SQL
Click "Create".
Provide the app name as “helloworldvinodh” and pick your subscription.
Create a new resource “helloworld” and click "Create".
After successful creation of web app, navigate it into browser.
Provide the deployment credentials for FTP.
Open some third-party FTP software
In this scenario, I am using FileZilla Client.
Open FileZilla Client.
Provide the host name
Hostname: ftps://
Username: helloworldvinodh\vinodh
Password: *************
Click Quickconnect
After successful connection
Navigate to WWWROOT directory
Create a sample helloworld HTML named index.html
Move the index.html file to root directory
Now open the web app url
Happy learning!......