Create Angular Project By Using ASP.NET

Introduction of Angularjs 2

Angular 2 is an open-source JavaScript framework to build web applications in HTML and JavaScript. This tutorial explores the various aspects of Angular 2 framework, including the basics of the framework, the setup of Angular, and how to work with the various aspects of the framework. Other topics discussed in the tutorial are advanced chapters such as interfaces, nested components, and services within Angular. Topics such as routing, modules, and arrays are also dealt in this tutorial.

Why Use Angular 2
  1. Mobile Support - With Angular 2, we can build a single application that works across mobile and desktop applications.
  2. Component-Based - In Angular 2, everything is a component; components are the building blocks of an Angular application.
  3. Multi-language Support - Angular 2 supports multiple languages, e.g, TypeScript, Dart, ECMAScript 5-6

Software Requirement

Step 1

Install Node.js 4.6 or greater. Use the below link .

Step 2

Install Visual Studio 2015 Update 3

To verify your Visual Studio, open VS 2015. Click Help --> About Microsoft Visual Studio.


In case, you don't have this update, click the below link.

Configure environment settings for Node and NPM. Follow the below steps.

Click Tools -> Options -> Project and Solutions -> External Web Tools.

Here, just move $(PATH) on top position using Up arrow and click OK button.

Step 4

Install TypeScript for VS 2015.

Step 5

Add ASP.NET Web Project (Empty Project).

Step 6

Download quick start file for Angular JS v2.

Step 7

Open this file and copy some of the selected files like below and a paste these files in the project root folder.


Step 8

Right-click package.json file and click "Restore Package". It will take some time to installing these packages.
Step 9

Open Command Prompt and go to project location to execute the following commond.

npm Start 

After some time, it's launched in the browser window.