Access Windows PC using SSH


SSH stands for Secure Shell. It has a client-server architecture. It is used to access remote PCs securely. It is more overused with command line tools or terminals.

Follow these simple below-mentioned steps to access a remote PC using SSH. FYI, steps are followed by using Windows 10.

Step 1. Using the Windows search button, Go to Apps and Features.

 Apps and Features

Step 2. Go to optional features and click on Add a Feature.

Add a Feature

Step 3. In the Optional Feature Popup window, search for “OpenSSH Server” and install it.

Popup window

Step 4. Using the Windows search button, Go to “Services”

Step 5. In Services, we will find “OpenSSH SSH Server” and start the services

Step 6. Go to another Windows/Linux machine.

Step 7. Use command ssh <username>@<ipadresss> 

Note. Get username and IP address from PC where SSH Server is running

In the above command, enter the username that you are seeing under folder C:\Users and the IP address of that PC.

Step 8. Immediately it will ask for your password. Enter the system password of the username you entered in the above command.

Step 9. Hence your current PC should redirect to the SSH server PC at location “C:/Users/<username>/

Step 10. Enter the command "dir" to get a list of all directory which is under that username.


I hope this article helps to understand how the access a remote PC using SSH. In the next article, I will try to explain the same access using the ssh public key, where we not need to enter the password.

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