Seaborn is a library for making statistical graphics in Python. It is built on top of matplotlib and closely integrated with pandas data structures.
Seaborn aims to make visualization a central part of exploring and understanding data. Its dataset-oriented plotting functions operate on dataframes and arrays containing whole datasets and internally perform the necessary semantic mapping and statistical aggregation to produce informative plots
1. Ubuntu/Linux
MatPlotLib |
Seaborn |
Functionality |
Matplotlib is mainly deployed for basic plotting. Visualization using Matplotlib generally consists of bars, pies, lines, scatter plots and so on. |
Seaborn, on the other hand, provides a variety of visualization patterns. It uses fewer syntax and has easily interesting default themes. It specializes in statistics visualization and is used if one has to summarize data in visualizations and also show the distribution in the data. |
Handling Multiple Figures |
Matplotlib has multiple figures can be opened, but need to be closed explicitly. plt.close() only closes the current figure. plt.close(‘all’) would close em all. |
Seaborn automates the creation of multiple figures. This sometimes leads to OOM (out of memory) issues. |
Visualization |
Matplotlib is a graphics package for data visualization in Python. It is well integrated with NumPy and Pandas. The pyplot module mirrors the MATLAB plotting commands closely. Hence, MATLAB users can easily transit to plotting with Python. |
Seaborn is more integrated for working with Pandas data frames. It extends the Matplotlib library for creating beautiful graphics with Python using a more straightforward set of methods. |
Data Frames and Arrays |
Matplotlib works with data frames and arrays. It has different stateful APIs for plotting. The figures and aces are represented by the object and therefore plot() like calls without parameters suffices, without having to manage parameters. |
Seaborn works with the dataset as a whole and is much more intuitive than Matplotlib. For Seaborn, replot() is the entry API with ‘kind’ parameter to specify the type of plot which could be line, bar, or any of the other types. Seaborn is not stateful. Hence, plot() would require passing the object. |
Flexibility |
Matplotlib is highly customizable and powerful. |
Seaborn avoids a ton of boilerplate by providing default themes which are commonly used. |
Use Cases |
Pandas uses Matplotlib. It is a neat wrapper around Matplotlib.
Seaborn is for more specific use cases. Also, it is Matplotlib under the hood. It is specially meant for statistical plotting. |
Seaborn Functions
1. seaborn.relplot()
seaborn.relplot(x=None, y=None, hue=None, size=None, style=None, data=None, row=None, col=None, col_wrap=None, row_order=None, col_order=None, palette=None, hue_order=None, hue_norm=None, sizes=None, size_order=None, size_norm=None, markers=None, dashes=None, style_order=None, legend='brief', kind='scatter', height=5, aspect=1, facet_kws=None, **kwargs)
It is a function that is a figure-level interface for drawing relational plots onto a FacetGrid.
- import seaborn as sns
- sns.set(style="white")
- mpg = sns.load_dataset("mpg")
- sns.relplot(x="horsepower", y="mpg", hue="origin", size="weight",
- sizes=(400, 40), alpha=.5, palette="muted",
- height=6, data=mpg)
2. seaborn.scatterplot()
seaborn.scatterplot(x=None, y=None, hue=None, style=None, size=None, data=None, palette=None, hue_order=None, hue_norm=None, sizes=None, size_order=None, size_norm=None, markers=True, style_order=None, x_bins=None, y_bins=None, units=None, estimator=None, ci=95, n_boot=1000, alpha='auto', x_jitter=None, y_jitter=None, legend='brief', ax=None, **kwargs)
Draws a scatter plot with the possibility of several semantic groupings.
- import seaborn as sns
- sns.set()
- planets = sns.load_dataset("planets")
- cmap = sns.cubehelix_palette(rot=-.5, as_cmap=True)
- ax = sns.scatterplot(x="distance", y="orbital_period",
- hue="year", size="mass",
- palette=cmap, sizes=(100, 100),
- data=planets)
3. seaborn.lineplot()
seaborn.lineplot(x=None, y=None, hue=None, size=None, style=None, data=None, palette=None, hue_order=None, hue_norm=None, sizes=None, size_order=None, size_norm=None, dashes=True, markers=None, style_order=None, units=None, estimator='mean', ci=95, n_boot=1000, sort=True, err_style='band', err_kws=None, legend='brief', ax=None, **kwargs)
Draws a line plot with the possibility of several semantic groupings.
- import numpy as np
- import pandas as pd
- import seaborn as sns
- sns.set(style="whitegrid")
- rs = np.random.RandomState(365)
- values = rs.randn(365, 4).cumsum(axis=0)
- dates = pd.date_range("1 1 2016", periods=365, freq="D")
- data = pd.DataFrame(values, dates, columns=["A", "B", "C", "D"])
- data = data.rolling(10).mean()
- sns.lineplot(data=data, palette="tab10", linewidth=2.5)
4. seaborn.catplot()
seaborn.catplot(x=None, y=None, hue=None, data=None, row=None, col=None, col_wrap=None, estimator=<function mean>, ci=95, n_boot=1000, units=None, order=None, hue_order=None, row_order=None, col_order=None, kind='strip', height=5, aspect=1, orient=None, color=None, palette=None, legend=True, legend_out=True, sharex=True, sharey=True, margin_titles=False, facet_kws=None, **kwargs)
Figure-level interface for drawing categorical plots onto a FacetGrid.
- import seaborn as sns
- sns.set(style="whitegrid")
- df = sns.load_dataset("exercise")
- g = sns.catplot(x="pulse", y="time", hue="diet", col="kind",
- capsize=.6, palette="YlGnBu_d", height=6, aspect=.75,
- kind="point", data=df)
- g.despine(left=True)
5. seaborn.stripplot()
seaborn.stripplot(x=None, y=None, hue=None, data=None, order=None, hue_order=None, jitter=True, dodge=False, orient=None, color=None, palette=None, size=5, edgecolor='gray', linewidth=0, ax=None, **kwargs)
Draws a scatterplot where one variable is categorical.
- import pandas as pd
- import seaborn as sns
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- sns.set(style="whitegrid")
- iris = sns.load_dataset("iris")
- iris = pd.melt(iris, "species", var_name="measurement")
- f, ax = plt.subplots()
- sns.despine(bottom=True, left=True)
- sns.stripplot(x="measurement", y="value", hue="species",
- data=iris, dodge=True, jitter=True,
- alpha=.25, zorder=1)
- sns.pointplot(x="measurement", y="value", hue="species",
- data=iris, dodge=.532, join=False, palette="dark",
- markers="d", scale=.75, ci=None)
- handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
- ax.legend(handles[3:], labels[3:], title="species",
- handletextpad=0, columnspacing=1,
- loc="lower right", ncol=3, frameon=True)
6. seaborn.swarmplot()
seaborn.swarmplot(x=None, y=None, hue=None, data=None, order=None, hue_order=None, dodge=False, orient=None, color=None, palette=None, size=5, edgecolor='gray', linewidth=0, ax=None, **kwargs)
Draws a categorical scatterplot with non-overlapping points.
- import pandas as pd
- import seaborn as sns
- sns.set(style="whitegrid", palette="muted")
- iris = sns.load_dataset("iris")
- iris = pd.melt(iris, "species", var_name="measurement")
- sns.swarmplot(x="value", y="measurement", hue="species",
- palette=["r", "c", "y"], data=iris)
7. seaborn.boxplot()
seaborn.boxplot(x=None, y=None, hue=None, data=None, order=None, hue_order=None, orient=None, color=None, palette=None, saturation=0.75, width=0.8, dodge=True, fliersize=5, linewidth=None, whis=1.5, notch=False, ax=None, **kwargs)
Draws a box plot to show distributions with respect to categories.
- import seaborn as sns
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- sns.set(style="ticks")
- f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7, 6))
- ax.set_xscale("log")
- planets = sns.load_dataset("planets")
- sns.boxplot(x="distance", y="method", data=planets,
- whis="range", palette="vlag")
- sns.swarmplot(x="distance", y="method", data=planets,
- size=2, color=".6", linewidth=0)
- ax.xaxis.grid(True)
- ax.set(ylabel="")
- sns.despine(trim=True, left=True)