using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using AutoCAD;
public static AcadApplication gbl_app;
public static AcadDocument gbl_doc;
public static AcadModelSpaceClass gbl_modSpace;
public static AcadAcCmColor gbl_color;
public static double gbl_pi = 3.14159;
public static AcadLayer TerminalsLayer; //Layer For Donuts
public static AcadLayer SwitchLayer;
public static AcadLayer TerminationPoints; //Layer Termination Points
public static void CreateAutoCADObject()
CloseAllInstance(); // this method is used to close any opened instance of autocad, if you dont require it then comment it
gbl_app = new AcadApplication();
gbl_doc = gbl_app.ActiveDocument;
gbl_app.Application.Visible = true;
gbl_modSpace = (AcadModelSpaceClass)gbl_doc.ModelSpace;
gbl_doc.Linetypes.Load("HIDDEN", "acad.lin");
gbl_doc.Linetypes.Load("CENTER", "acad.lin");
//Other Objects Layer
SwitchLayer = PF.gbl_doc.Layers.Add("Switch110Layer");
SwitchLayer.color = AutoCAD.AcColor.acGreen;
PF.gbl_doc.ActiveLayer = SwitchLayer;
//Layer For Donuts
TerminalsLayer = PF.gbl_doc.Layers.Add("TerminalsLayer");
TerminalsLayer.color = AutoCAD.AcColor.acRed;
//Layer Termination Points
TerminationPoints = PF.gbl_doc.Layers.Add("TerminationPoints");
TerminationPoints.color = AutoCAD.AcColor.acWhite;
catch (Exception ex)
public static void CloseAllInstance()
Process[] aCAD =Process.GetProcessesByName("acad");
foreach (Process aCADPro in aCAD)
Now we will write some methods to create AutoCAD objects:
To Draw Line:
public static void DrawLine(double StartX1,
double StartY1,
double EndX2,
double EndY2,
string LineType,
bool DrawDonutsOnLineStart,
bool DrawDonutsOnLineEnds)
AcadLine lineObj;
double[] startPoint = new double[3];
double[] endPoint = new double[3];
startPoint[0] = StartX1;
startPoint[1] = StartY1;
startPoint[2] = 0.0;
endPoint[0] = EndX2;
endPoint[1] = EndY2;
endPoint[2] = 0.01;
lineObj = gbl_doc.ModelSpace.AddLine(startPoint, endPoint);
if (LineType.Length > 0)
lineObj.Linetype = LineType; //'"HIDDEN"
lineObj.LinetypeScale = 10;
if (DrawDonutsOnLineStart == true)
DrawDonut((AcadBlock)gbl_doc.ModelSpace, 0, 3.0, StartX1, StartY1);
if (DrawDonutsOnLineEnds == true)
DrawDonut((AcadBlock)gbl_doc.ModelSpace, 0, 3.0, EndX2, EndY2);
public static void DrawLine(double StartX1,
double StartY1,
double EndX2,
double EndY2)
DrawLine(StartX1, StartY1, EndX2, EndY2, "", false, false);
public static void DrawLine(double StartX1,
double StartY1,
double EndX2,
double EndY2,
string LineType)
DrawLine(StartX1, StartY1, EndX2, EndY2, LineType, false, false);
public static void DrawLine(double StartX1,
double StartY1,
double EndX2,
double EndY2,
string LineType,
bool DrawDonutsOnLineStart)
DrawLine(StartX1, StartY1, EndX2, EndY2, LineType, DrawDonutsOnLineStart, false);
To Draw Solid:
public static void DrawSolid(double StartingXPoint,
double StartingYPoint,
double Length,
double Width)
AcadSolid solidObj;
double[] point1 = new double[3];
double[] point2 = new double[3];
double[] point3 = new double[3];
double[] point4 = new double[3];
//Solid Starts
point1[0] = StartingXPoint;
point1[1] = StartingYPoint;
point1[2] = 0.0;
point2[0] = StartingXPoint;
point2[1] = (StartingYPoint) - Width;
point2[2] = 0.0;
point3[0] = StartingXPoint + Length;
point3[1] = StartingYPoint;
point3[2] = 0.0;
point4[0] = StartingXPoint + Length;
point4[1] = (StartingYPoint) - Width;
point4[2] = 0.0;
solidObj = gbl_doc.ModelSpace.AddSolid(point1, point2, point3, point4);
//Solid ENDS
To Draw Text:
public static void DrawText(double StartingXPoint,
double StartingYPoint,
string textString,
double Height,
double Rotation)
AcadText textObj;
double[] insertionPoint = new double[3];
insertionPoint[0] = StartingXPoint;
insertionPoint[1] = StartingYPoint;
insertionPoint[2] = 0.0;
textObj = gbl_doc.ModelSpace.AddText(textString, insertionPoint, Height);
textObj.Alignment = AcAlignment.acAlignmentLeft;
textObj.Backward = false;
textObj.Rotation = Rotation;
public static void DrawText(double StartingXPoint,
double StartingYPoint,
string textString)
DrawText(StartingXPoint, StartingYPoint, textString, 3, 0);
public static void AddText(double StartingXPoint,
double StartingYPoint,
string textString,
double Height)
DrawText(StartingXPoint, StartingYPoint, textString, Height, 0);
To Draw Circle:
public static void DrawCircle(double StartingXPoint,
double StartingYPoint,
double Radius)
AcadCircle circleObj;
double[] centerPoint = new double[3];
centerPoint[0] = StartingXPoint;
centerPoint[1] = StartingYPoint;
centerPoint[2] = 0.0;
circleObj = gbl_doc.ModelSpace.AddCircle(centerPoint, Radius);
To Draw Arc:
public static void DrawArc(double StartingXPoint,
double StartingYPoint,
double Radius)
//For Drawing Arc
AcadArc arcObj;
AcadCircle circleObj;
double[] centerPoint = new double[3];
double startAngleInDegree;
double endAngleInDegree;
double startAngleInRadian;
double endAngleInRadian;
//Draw Arc
centerPoint[0] = StartingXPoint;
centerPoint[1] = StartingYPoint;
startAngleInDegree = 175.0;
endAngleInDegree = 5.0;
startAngleInRadian = startAngleInDegree * 3.141592 / 180.0;
endAngleInRadian = endAngleInDegree * 3.141592 / 180.0;
arcObj = gbl_doc.ModelSpace.AddArc(centerPoint, Radius,
startAngleInRadian, endAngleInRadian);
To Draw Donuts:
public static AcadLWPolyline DrawDonut(AcadBlock space,
double inRad,
double outRad,
double cenPt1,
double cenPt2)
double width, radius, PI;
double[] tmp = new double[2];
double[] v = new double[4];
AcadLWPolyline pl;
double[] basePnt = new double[3];
//Switch to terminals layer
gbl_doc.ActiveLayer = TerminalsLayer;
basePnt[0] = cenPt1;
basePnt[1] = cenPt2;
basePnt[2] = 0.0;
PI = Math.Atan(1) * 4;
width = (outRad - inRad) / 2;
radius = (inRad + width) / 2;
tmp = (double[])gbl_doc.Utility.PolarPoint(basePnt, PI, radius);
v[0] = tmp[0];
v[1] = tmp[1];
tmp = (double[])gbl_doc.Utility.PolarPoint(basePnt, 0, radius);
v[2] = tmp[0];
v[3] = tmp[1];
pl = space.AddLightWeightPolyline(v);
pl.Closed = true;
pl.SetWidth(0, width, width);
pl.SetBulge(0, -1);
pl.SetWidth(1, width, width);
pl.SetBulge(1, -1);
//Switch to other layer
gbl_doc.ActiveLayer = SwitchLayer;
return pl;
catch (Exception ex)
return null;
I have provided a demo application with this article which uses these public static functions to draw a device(I will not reveal the name because of our agreement) with minimal of code.
This is my first article in this site so your valuable suggestions are welcome.